Who's baby?

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        The Pack was standing in Derek's loft waiting for the spastic teen to show back up. Everyone was worried that Stiles was hurt. He left Scott's side almost 2 hours ago now. He wasn't supposed to leave the pack's side. 

   "Where is he?" Derek roared. "Why didn't you follow him?" Derek questioned Scott harshly. "You were supposed to watch him!"

    "Derek he just left. He knows how to be quiet when he's around us! I was paying attention to the trap she left for us!" Scott tried to explain to the older wolf. That's when he heard it. The sniffling and movement just outside of the loft doors. "What's that?" He asked walking towards to door where his best friends smell was getting stronger. He pushed to door open to yell at him, but it wasn't Stiles. It was a small toddler, he gasped. 

   "Scott what is it?" Issac asks his close friend. 

   "What is that? Is that... A baby?" Scott asks hearing the toddler Stiles crying in front of the loft door. They all ran towards the door where Stiles sent was pretty strong and opened the loft door. Toddler Stiles cried a little harder seeing all the betas staring at him.

"Don't look at me," he cried harder as Scott lifted him in the hoodie up.

     "There's a note!" Lydia says pointing to a sticky note stuck to the hoodie around the toddler. She grabs it reading it out loud. "This is what happens when you're sarcastic with me, stop trying to find me."   

"Look it's toddler Stiles," Scott laughed as he brought him inside the loft. Why are you crying so hard, I'm your best friend. You're supposed to love me." Scott pouted as he put Stiles on the couch. "Derek," Scott went to yell for him but he was right behind him. Scott jumped.

"Who's baby is that and Why does it smell so much like Stiles," Derek growled sniffing the fruity smelling air some more, making toddler Stiles stop crying and stare at him in wonder.

"Derek, it is Stiles," Scott replied to both the Alpha's questions. "He must have gotten attacked by the witch." The entire wolf part of the pack growled at that.

"I gotta go potty!" Stiles yelled at the pack, it's seems Stiles mind had also turned into a toddlers mind set. "Take me there, Dewek." Stiles demanded trying to get off the couch but he tripped over his sweater and he would have fallen off the couch if it wasn't for Issac catching him. Stiles started crying again in Issac's arms.

"Hey, Hey, Stiles don't cry. What's wrong buddy? Did it scare you when you almost fell?" Issac coed at the small boy. Stiles didn't stop crying until he saw Derek and made grabby arms at him.

"Dewek" Stiles lip trembled as he looked at the man.

"No Stiles, let Issac take you to the bathroom." Derek growled out at the toddler making him cry more. Issac ran up the the bathroom with him before he could accidentally pee on the boy and make a mess. Stiles screamed and cried the hardest he could until Issac put him down on the toilet making sure the hoodie wasn't in the way by taking it off. 

 "Iss," Stiles whines getting slightly cold due to being naked. "I is cold," he mumbles through the tears.  

  "I wouldn't be surprised Stiles. You're naked in the middle of fall. Plus the heat isn't on. We gotta get you new clothes though," Issac explains to him. "Your clothes won't fit." 

   "Oh," Stiles pouts while he goes potty. "All done," he makes the lift me gesture with his arms up. Issac takes him off the toilet, flushing it and puts the sweater on him again. 

  "Alright, the pack has made most of a plan. At least a plan for today." Issac takes him back to where the rest of the pack is sitting around talking about what they have to do with Stiles now. Issac drops a slightly crying Stiles in their Alpha's lap. 

  "Dewek!" Stiles squeals in his lap stopping all the tears. Derek growls at him which just makes him giggle. Stiles gets comfortable in Derek's lap before going still. "What talk about?" He asks the pack. The girls all coo at him while he is calmed down. 

   "Well Lydia is gonna take you to get clothes that fit." Scott explained to the little version of his best friend. "Then the rest of us are going to look for the lady who did this to you, tomorrow." 

   "Dewek go?" Stiles turns his head towards to adult wolf. "Dewek go shop with Stiles?" He makes the best puppy dog eyes at the brooding man. 

   "No, Stiles, I'm going with Boyd and Scott. Issac is going to go ask the doc about the spell the witch used. You're going with Lydia, Allison and Erica." The grumpy man explained to him further making the tears come back in the honey eyed toddler.

   "Dewek come!" He yelled at the man. "Dewek no leave Stiles!" He stood up on Derek's lap staring at him. 

   "No, Stiles, you'll be perfectly fine with Lydia." Derek says sternly.

   "Dewek Go with Stiles to shop!" Stiles growled at the older man stomping his little foot on Derek's leg. 

   "No Stiles," Derek used his Alpha authority towards the kid. Stiles just started crying harder and wailing throwing a fit. "Stiles! Enough!" Derek yelled making stiles just go as hard as he could with big crocodile tears and rolling around on the couch. 

  "DEWEK GO! NO LEAVE STILES!" Stiles screamed hurting every wolf in the room ears. They all covered their ears growling towards to toddler. 

  "Fine!" Derek growled at him. "I'll go, now stop with this wailing." Stiles calmed down hearing Derek's words and crawling back onto his lap. 

  "Yay, Dewek go shop!" Stiles smiled wiping the tears from his face with the too long of sleeves on the hoodie he was wearing. 

  "Alright, lets get going then," Lydia said grabbing her keys. "Derek you'll have to hold him until we can get a car seat for him." 

   With that they all left to do what they were told to. 

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