Christmas (Bonus)

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(Skipping a bunch of time period.... This is just because it's Christmas... This story started shortly after Halloween)

-December 22 and on-

In the past month and a half nothing much had changed in Beacon Hills. The pack was still looking for the witch, they had a lead on her whereabouts. Stiles had just recently been able to take off his cast. His arm was healed nicely. He was back to being his normal hyper active toddler.

Derek had finally given in to getting a Christmas tree for his loft. It took the whole pack a week to figure out that they had to get Stiles to ask Derek. Derek does everything the toddler asked. Like a week ago he took the kid to see Santa... To fricken see SANTA at the MALL! Big bad Alpha of Beacon Hills took a toddler and, of course, Issac to see Santa. The whole pack was there Christmas shopping but only Issac and Stiles got to meet Santa.

  Derek had bought everyone in the pack there own little Christmas ornaments for the pack tree. Stiles had picked out everyones ornaments while they were at the mall. Scott's was a puppy dog. Lydia's was a stiletto. Derek's was Oscar the grouch. Erica's was just a boring red ball with her name on it and ho ho ho on the back. Boyd's was a bear. Issac's was the Joker and of course who did Stiles get? Batman. Derek also bought a few other coloured balls and a few feet of the tinsel ribbon for Stiles and Issac to decorate the tree later that night with.

   To say that in the end the tree looked like a couple of kids just went to town on it with the random personal ornaments on it, was a bit of an understatement. Though no one is going to complain about the way it looks.

   Everyone bought Stiles a bunch of gifts to open on Christmas. Even Derek bought the kid stuff. No matter what Derek says the teen turned toddler will always have a place in his heart. Derek had bought everyone else one present from himself and one present that Stiles picked out for everyone from him.

  To say this Christmas was going to be the best one yet wasn't going to cover it.

  On Christmas Eve the pack stayed at Derek's until the toddler finally past out. He had stayed awake waiting for Santa. The whole pack helped out with keeping the spirit alive for the toddler. They had played games and watched movies until the kids body finally put him to sleep around 11pm.

  After Stiles had fallen asleep on Derek's chest, each with their own Christmas hats on, Lydia had taken a picture before the alpha could notice. Derek put Stiles in his bed while she set up the rest of the Christmas presents under the tree.

  "Stiles knows my hand writing. You have to write the Santa letter," Lydia said as the Alpha came back into the room.

  "Okay," the alpha yawned going to sit on the couch where there was pen and paper. He wrote a quick note to Stiles about how good he had been this year and he wished him a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. He left it on top of the table along with the toddler's batman stocking. 

  The Alpha slowly crawled into his bed with the sleeping toddler. He fell asleep before his head even hit the pillow. During the night the baby boy got cold so he buried himself under one of Derek's arms with his face in his neck. The Alpha woke up to Lydia taking a picture of them cuddling. 

  "Seriously Lydia?" The male growled but rolled over and pulled the sleeping toddler closer.

   "Derek you have to get up. The pack will be here soon and we have to make breakfast.," Lydia whispered harshly. 

  The toddler stirred slightly but fell back to sleep no problem with the help of Derek's heat and fingers going through his hair. Derek stuffed Stiles in with the blankets before grumpily getting up. 

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