Finding the Witch

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(Writing is difficult. I had basically forgotten everything I was going to do with this story. I just remembered how it's ending. Just wrote out a bit of the stuff I want to happen. Probably going to add things/ rewrite parts. This will probably be shit. So sorry in advance.)

    The pack was having a hard time finding out anything to do with the witch. All they knew was her name, where she had been in Beacon Hills, and that the spell was. That spell could only be reversed two very different ways. One being they find the witch and get her to change Stiles back or have Deaton reverse the spell with the counter spell. But the counter spell is very difficult and dangerous to get ahold of the ingredients.

  Half of them are in Mexico. Which was a 2 day drive from Beacon Hills and then to actually find them is hard part.

  Most of the pack was going. Everyone except Derek and Stiles because who wants to cramp up a toddler for two days in a car. Everyone would be cranky and grumpy, all the time, if they took him. So they left Stiles with the big bad Alpha.

  Derek was kind of thrilled to have Stiles all to himself for about a week or two. The little monster was only upset for a few minutes before someone had mentioned he'd be with Derek the whole time.

  The pack was leaving that day. They needed Stiles back. Derek was going a little too soft with toddler being around. Half the time he wasn't thinking about anyone else but the toddler. If any kind of threat was on the territory the first action was to hind Stiles. Then plan a course of action.

   The pack didn't mind much. They usually left Stiles with Issac while they fought the threat off. Derek didn't do the best of his ability while fighting. Always getting caught up thinking about if the baby was safe. Which in turn made him always get hurt because his head isn't in the game.

  But that toddler was always there to cuddle him until he was fully healed.

   (To be continued... I'm extremely sorry guys)

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