Chapter 2

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"Lily!, Lilith!"

I emit a sharp jerk when I feel someone nudge my shoulder. If I could, I'd say that my eyelids tore open, but how can I, when my eyes were already open.

I blink slowly, the red that blinded me fading off, replacing nothing but blurriness to plague my vision. I blink once more, only to get rid of the fuzziness.

I'm tempted to shut my eyes when I feel a sharp headache course through my head but it's like someone had sewed my lids to my skin so I couldn't close them.

I feel as though I'm still trapped in the bathroom that I was held a prisoner in, because still, my heart raced wildly, my teeth chatter not even bothering to decrease despite my closed mouth.

I end up twitching a little when I see light streaming through a small hole in between, what looked like my arm.

I have the urge to grimace from seeing such a disgusting shine of brightness, but like with my body, moving my facial muscles seemed next to impossible.

I stare straight ahead, my peripheral vision picking up more of my arms that were apparently wrapped around my head in a way that made it seem like I was resting my head for slumber.

"Lilith." The voice hisses, panic, and worry, for some reason, slathered all over its tone. I almost shriek when a hand comes in and shifts my arm away from my face.

Whatever was underneath my hands felt smooth, like it was a desk, making me realise that I was no longer in the tub, the monstrous creature now vanished in a place where it probably stood waiting for me to foolishly close my eyes into a darkness that'll drag me into its demonic hell to watch me burn. "Lilith?"

I feel the table tremble beneath me when I see a face pop into my sight.

It's after awhile when I realize that it was me who was the one shaking. I keep staring, not once emitting a blink. The face in front of me slowly begins to morph into sudden clarity until the point where I could eventually make out the colors of their hair and skin.

It's when I perceive a pair of radiant green gems staring down at me that the recognition comes in and sparks my memory. "Lilith." She repeats. Unlike before the worry in her voice was much more distinct.

'Larcelle' I think, relieved to see a familiar face despite the horror that was engraved in it.

I continue to gaze at her, my muscles still frozen like when I was in the tub. I open my mouth to say her name but what comes out is instead something I've been dying to say ever since I was drowned beneath the ocean of blood.

"Help me," I whisper.

Larcelle doesn't hesitate. She quickly parts herself from what appeared to be her desk and rushes over to me. The moment she touches me again, my body instantly unfreezes, as though her fingers were magic, movement and life regaining in my muscles. I let out a breath that I must have been holding in for a beat too long.

With trembling hands, I push my head off of my table and sit up in my seat, trying my best to restrain my violent shaking.

But it's when I look up that my heart instantly ends up stopping.


There were eyes.

Eyes everywhere.

All looking at me.

I sit there, petrified when I see the faces that most definitely belonged to my classmates, staring at me, some mouths dropped and others holding expressions of concern or shock. I'm speechless when my eyes trail over to the teacher who must have been a sub, gawking at me, her face ashen.

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