Chapter 4

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Addie’s P.O.V:

Addie froze in her spot. This wasn't happening to her, not now! No she was just hearing things. She refused to believe that someone was interrupting her when she was finally about to get asked out by someone who seemed remotely interested, for whatever reason that was. The last person she wanted to talk to her, or even hear from was standing there with that same devilish smirk plastered across his face.

She refused to believe that Ryan was calling her while she's standing here talking to the hot new guy who was so close to asking her out on a date. Nope, not happening. If only luck favored Addie. She could hear him chuckle a he made his way over to stand way to close to her side. She could feel his heat radiating off of him and seeping into Addie’s skin, but she refused to look up at him. Instead, she continued to watch Jason, seeing what he was going to do or what he was going to say. But Ryan opened his fat mouth before anyone else could say anything.

"Addie, when do you want me to come over tonight?" Ryan asked draping his arm around her shoulders. "How's about eight sound?"

What was he talking about? He just told her this morning that he was having a party. What happened to that? She opened her mouth to turn him down and say that she would rather live in an abandoned tower than have him come over. Nobody was allowed to come over to the house. Addie knew that if she ever brought someone over, it would not end well for anyone… and that wasn’t something she was going to have to deal with later.

Jason stood there eyeing Ryan as he watched him keep his arm wrapped around her. He finally turned his gaze away from the gorgeous brunet holding onto her against her will, and settled his eyes on her. But what Addie saw behind those previously beautiful eyes wasn’t something she expected to see. In fact, it looked kind of scary. Possessive, jealous, and just unsettling to Addie.

"Addie who is this guy?" Jason asked looking back over to Ryan and sending a warning glare his direction. "Is he your boyfriend, or something?" Addie could hear the annoyance behind his words, and she didn’t like the fact that the new guy who hasn’t realized that Ryan was the player that never dated. He had actually seemed interested in her before, but she had a feeling that Ryan had just ruined that for her with this little stunt.

"No, Jason, Ryan is just my..." Addie began to explain but quickly got cut off before she could finish.

"No, I get it Addie. You're a beautiful girl, I guess I should have figured you'd already be taken. I'll catch you later," Jason gave one last glance at Addie and a last glare at Ryan, before turning and walking down the hall in the opposite way that they had come. Addie felt like her only chance to actually get asked out by a guy was fading away with each of his furthering steps.

Addie tried go after him to stop him and explain that there was nothing, and never would be going on between her and Ryan, but Ryan had other plans evidently. Ryan had a hold of her arm, preventing her from chasing after Jason and turn to look him in the eyes. She could see the satisfaction shining in his eyes saying that he thought he had won this. But he was far from wrong there.

"Don't go after him, baby. He’s not worth your time when you have me here," Ryan looked coolly onto Addie's eyes. "So I'll see you around eight at your place?" He asked smirking as if he didn't need permission to show up at my house. God that would not go over well with her dad. He went to turn around and leave without waiting for her response when Addie grabbed ahold of his arm and stopped him before he got too far.

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