Chapter 21

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Addie's P.O.V:

Addie was laying in Ryan's arm wide awake. She didn’t know what time it was, all she knew was that it was late and she was supposed to be asleep right now… but any hopes of sleep flew out the window not long ago. She had recently been woken up by a sudden sound from downstairs. It sounded someone was banging on something, but she couldn’t quite tell. She wanted so badly to just reach over and wake Ryan up and go see what was going on, but she was frozen from fear of what they would find if they did actually go downstairs. After everything that had already happened tonight, Addie just wanted it to be the wind form the storm or something simple like that, but deep down she knew better.

Addie layed there watching the door, sort of waiting for someone to come barreling through with a knife or something for a weapon. She hoped that it was just her mother and aunt coming home from their friend’s house, but Addie knew deep down in her gut that that wasn't the case. She could still hear the storm going on outside, so there was no way that her mother would be home seeing as she said they were going to stay until it cleared up. So Addie just layed there watching and listening as Ryan slept peacefully beside her.

She knew that someone was most likely downstairs right now, and that thought alone caused her enough fear that she didn't know what to do with herself. She finally pulled herself from her frozen state as she turned to look at Ryan. She was going to wake him up, and hopefully he didn’t get upset that he was being awoken in the middle of the night for something that could be nothing.

Before Addie could make any move to wake him up, another bang sounded throughout the house, this time causing Ryan to jolt upwards. He looked around the room before his eyes settled on a frightened Addie. She didn’t know what to do, so she just layed there completely still and looked up at him with big eyes. Another bang was heard, but this time it sounded closer to the stairs than the others had, which meant that if it was someone inside the house, they were moving around.

"What was that?" he sleepily, yet somehow awake asked. He reached with his tone arm and rubbed the heal of his palm into his eyes, no doubt trying to wake himself up more. Addie was too scared to say anything at first, but then figured that she either had to say something or she would just have to wait for whoever was down there to make their way up to them… and she didn’t want that at all.

"Uhm... I th-think there m-may be someone d-downs-stairs," Addie stuttered out. She didn't realize until that moment just how scared she really was. She wanted to crawl under the covers with Ryan and just have him hold her forever.

"Addie, listen to me. I want you to stay right here and let me go see what is going on down there, okay? Stay here, Adelynne!" Ryan had placed his hands on Addie's shoulders and gave her slight shake. Addie couldn't bring herself to respond, so she simply nodded. There was no way she was leaving this room, especially if there is  someone down there.

She didn't really want Ryan to go downstairs. No she wanted him in the room with her safe… not out there, not after the 'gift' that was brought to the house earlier. What if her dad was out there somewhere, just watching her? What if he had escaped from his cell and came to find her to take her away for good this time?

Addie couldn't stop the words that were forming in her head. She didn’t want to believe them, she wanted to think that she was just being paranoid! He was in jail and he wasn't getting out. His trial was coming up and they had all been assured that no one would be hearing from him for a long time. They wouldn’t let him out, he was too dangerous to let out. She was safe.

The Dangers of Love (The Dangers Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz