Chapter 17

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Three Months Later

Ryan's P.O.V:

It's been three months since Addie went into her coma. Three months of waiting for her to wake up and be able to come home, but she hasn't even moved an inch. She was unresponsive and all the doctors were saying was that she would come out of it on her own time. What they didn’t say was that she may never come out of it. Ryan was beginning to think the worse. He had looked online and read that sometimes if people stay in a coma for too long, their brains will begin to shut down and they will never wake up. He kept telling himself that it wasn't true, that he can't trust the internet.

Ryan was now sitting beside Addie's bed, her hand in his own. This had slowly begun to become routine for him. He had to start going back to school a week after everything happened. He didn’t want to, but everyone said he didn’t have a choice and that he had to go back. He reluctantly agreed to go back, but he always came straight back here when the day was done. He didn’t want to miss being with her if she woke up. He was already risking that by going to school, he wasn’t going to risk it any more than necessary.

He was slowly rubbing his thumb across her knuckles, hoping that she would at least move, just enough to prove that Adelynne was still in there trying to wake up… trying to find her way back to her life, to him. He took a glance at the clock hanging above the door. It was 11:25 pm! Shaking his head, Ryan layed his head against the two joined hands on the bed and shut his eyes. He hadn’t been getting much sleep lately between going to school and waiting for Addie to wake up… and the nightmares.

It didn't take long for Ryan to fall asleep. He couldn't stop the nightmare that happened that night. Not exactly how that night happened, but Ryan's guilt takes over throughout the dream. Almost every night since Addie was shot, Ryan has had the same dream.

'Ryan stood against the car waiting for someone to bring Addie out of that horrid building.  It's been at least five minutes that had passed since Branx surrounded the small cabin and nothing has happened. Just as the thoughts ran through Ryan's head, a gunshot went off.

Ryan jumped a little bit at the sudden sound. Was Addie still in there? Was she okay? Thought after thought ran through Ryan's head until he saw a couple figures coming from around the corner of the house.

It was Addie and two other officers!

Ryan let out a sigh of relief just at the mere sight of her. He smiled wide, that was until he saw that the two men were practically carrying her over to him. His eyes scanned her body for any signs of injuries. She seemed completely fine until Ryan's gaze came in contact with her leg. Her pant leg was completely red. Blood. He wanted to rush over to her, but didn’t know if it was safe since there were still guns going off around the house and inside.

"Here, you help her we need to get in there and help the others," the two officers said as they handed Addie's weak body to him before running off towards the house.

"Are you okay, Addie?" Ryan asked her softly. She didn't say anything in return she just stared at him emotionlessly. Her eyes weren't their bright normal green color, instead they were dull, almost black looking. What was wrong with her? Was she hurt so bad that she couldn’t talk, or was it something else? He didn’t know what to do, she just kept staring at him as if he wasn’t even there.

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