Chapter 19

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Addie's P.O.V:

The sunlight was shining through the window and unfortunately, straight into Addie's eyes. She groaned and buried her face deeper into the pillow she was currently laying on. When she tried to push further into the pillow, it didn't budge. It was actually quite hard, too hard for a pillow. Addie lifted her head and groggily looked to see what was wrong with her pillow. She realized what the problem was… well she didn’t really think it was a problem, but still.

It wasn't a pillow at all. It was Ryan's chest.

Addie blushed remember that she had layed in his arms the whole night. Who would have thought the little nerd that she thought no one liked would be cuddled up in bed with the school bad boy that never use to pay her any mind. She didn’t feel at all restless really. Last night was no doubt the most sleep she had gotten in forever and it went without a doubt that it was because of Ryan. Addie found herself so relaxed around him. Safe.

'This is too good to be true and you know it!' Addie's self-conscious spoke up from inside her head. 'He is just using you. I wouldn't put your heart out there too fast.'

As much as Addie didn't want to believe the words in her head, she knew they could be true. She didn't know how people acted normally, she avoided people at all costs... well until recently. Ryan could possibly still be after her just because he wants to sleep with her. She didn't understand how someone went from not liking someone at all, and just wanting sex out of them, to caring so much about them that they went out of their way to make sure you were safe.

While being lost in her thoughts, Addie hadn't realized that Ryan had woken up from his slumber. His arm tightened around Addie's waist, which caused her to jump in surprise. His chuckle rang throughout the room.

"Good morning, babe. I didn't mean to scare you there."

"Me? Scared? Please, you couldn't scare me even if you tried," Addie said looking into his eyes. They sat there and stared at each without saying a word. Addie's eyes traveled down to his lump, luscious lips. He hadn't tried to kiss her since the night she was shot. And now, looking at his lips while she was lying in his arms, there was nothing she wanted more. She wanted to know what it felt like to be kissed, more specifically what it feels like to be kissed by Ryan.

Addie had never actually kissed anybody before. But that was expected when you were a nerd that everyone picked on. One they all deemed unworthy of any kind of compliment or even the slightest kindness.

When she looked back up into Ryan's beautiful green irises, she noticed that his eyes were on her lips. He was studying them, just like she had done his. Did he want to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him? God, she hoped so!

Slowly, Ryan began to lean his head in towards her, and without even realizing she was doing it, Addie was leaning it towards him as well. His lips brushed up against hers sending shivers down her spine. Addie's eyes fluttered close with the sensations running through her body. He hadn’t even fully kissed her yet and she was already shuddering from his touch. She felt Ryan shift closer to her and she prepared herself for her very first kiss.

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