Chapter 10

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Addie's P.O.V:

Addie made her way inside the house, and up to her room. She didn't make it to the third step before she was stopped. She knew this was going to happen, but she was hoping that she would be able to put it off until tomorrow. So much had happened today that Addie didn’t think she could handle listening to her mother gripe at her about running out of the house after hearing her say she was leaving as quickly as she could.

"Addie? Where have you been all day?! I was worried sick!" her mother screamed at her, placing her hand over her heart for added affect. Addie had to fight off an eye roll at her dramatic outburst. If she cared so much about where Addie was and how she was she wouldn’t go around telling people that she was leaving the second she could. To Addie it just seemed wrong to act this way.

"I went out to the park and saw one of my friends and we were just hanging out all day. I just got back from the movies actually," Addie replied showing no interest in what her mother wanted with her. She was still extremely pissed at her.

"Addie you can't just disappear like that! Not without telling me! I though your father may have taken you! I don't know what I would have done if I got a call from him tomorrow saying you two were gone!" she cried. Addie scoffed and glared at her mother.

"Oh, really mother?! You just said that I didn't need you and you were leaving, but now you wouldn't know what to do without me?! I don't think so. You need to make up your mind because you can't have it both ways!" Addie screamed at her mom, turning and running up the rest of the stairs.

"Addie come back here and talk to me!" Addie could hear her mother's footsteps as she ascended the stairs. Addie quickly locked her bedroom door so that she couldn't get in. The door knob twisted, but it never gave in. "Addie, please!” she tried again, but Addie still didn’t say anything back. “I love you, Adelynne, and I'm not leaving you! I couldn't do that to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you came back and I was gone. You would hate me more than you probably already do." Addie could hear the tears in her mother's voice, and it hurt her to know that she was the reason behind them.

Slowly, Addie began to open the door and look upon her mother. She was a complete mess, makeup running down her face with each tear falling from her eyes. Addie felt her heart break in two. Without even thinking of what she was about to do, Addie pushed the door the rest of the way open and threw her arms around her mother. She needed her mother right now. She needed her mother’s comforting touch that she had missed so much. Addie relished in her touch because after all this time she thought that she was gone, that she would never be able to know her mother’s touch again… but here she was being held by her mother as they cried together.

"I could never hate you, mommy! I love you so much. Please don't leave me, please!" Addie cried into her mother's shoulder. Her mother rubbed her hand over Addie's hair in a comforting way. After all these years, Addie thought she had lost her mother only now realizing she was here all along.




Addie was laying on her stomach on her bed staring at the floor. She had talked everything with her mother and then she went downstairs to talk with her Aunt Brit. She felt something vibrate beside her, so she turned her head to see her phone ringing. Ryan's name flashed across the screen. Addie felt butterflies flutter away inside of her stomach just at the thought of him. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was falling for him and there was nothing she could do about it anymore. She knew it was a bad idea, because guys like Ryan never really stayed with girls long after they got what they wanted, but after tonight, Addie was starting to think there was more to Ryan than what meets the eyes. Reaching for her phone, she slid her finger across the screen and answered it.

The Dangers of Love (The Dangers Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora