Chapter 11

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Addie's P.O.V:

After finding her mom, Addie and Ryan explained that it would be safer for her to stay at Ryan's house with him. At first her mom wasn't too excited about letting her leave but when Addie explained that her dad didn't know where Ryan lived and that he wouldn't be able to get to her, her mother agreed. Addie knew that her mother was scared to let her go, especially after this… but they both knew it was for the best. If it was what was going to keep Addie safe, then that’s what they had to do.

The two of them made their way back up the stairs to get her things together. As they passed the living room, Addie saw her aunt sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. Addie wanted to go over there and try to comfort her, but she felt as if this whole thing was her fault. If she had never gotten up that night she heard her dad having his episode, he never would have hit her with the bottle which in turn meant she never would have had to go to the hospital. Her dysfunctional, unloving family would still be together and they wouldn’t be putting her aunt through all this stress. She just had her house broken into because her brother-in-law wanted his family back. Addie couldn’t even imagine what was going through her mind right now.

Addie and Ryan were now in her room packing her clothes and everything else that she would need for her time staying with Ryan. She didn’t know how long she would be there, and right now she couldn’t bring herself to care about anything else except being safe and away from that monster who helped create her. It didn't take long at all to get everything together since Addie had only been there for about two to three days. She hadn't unpacked hardly anything. She grabbed her sketch book from underneath her pillow and cradled it to her chest before looking around the room. They walked out of her room and out towards Ryan’s truck.

"Okay, is that everything?" Ryan asked her putting her bag in the back of his truck. Addie nodded her head as she opened the door and placed the sketch pad in the seat before she turned back around to see her aunt and her mother making their way towards Ryan's truck. Addie could see her mother was close to tears, but was fighting them off with everything she had. Addie knew how she was feeling, she was fighting off her emotions, too. She didn’t want to cry in front of her mother and make everything harder than it already was for the both of them.

"I love you, Adelynne Rayne. You be safe, okay?" she said as she pulled Addie into a tight hug. Addie nodded her head, hugging her mother back just as tightly. Her mom turned her attention to Ryan. "You keep my baby safe. I'm only letting this happen because John won't know where she is."

"She will be safe with me, Mrs. Thompson. I promise that he won’t get to her as long as she with me," Ryan reassured her, placing a hand on Addie's shoulder. Addie turned her head to him and smiled. Thanking him silently for what he was doing for her. He smiled down at her softly and went to stand by the truck door so that they could have some privacy to say their goodbyes.

Addie felt like she was never going to see her mother again, but she knew that wasn’t the case. She wasn’t going to lose her again, this was all just to keep her safe. She could come visit after school or whenever. They would get through this, together.

Addie turned back to her mom and gave her one last hug and said goodbye again before she climbed into Ryan's truck. Ryan got in the driver’s seat and turned the key to start the ignition. As he began to drive off, Addie waved to the only family she had left, not being able to stop the tears that fell from her eyes.

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