Chapter 30

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Ryan's P.O.V:

Ryan sat quietly watching one of the sport channels with his dad while he waited for Addie and his mother to return. Ryan had never been extremely close to either of his parents, but his dad was even more distant that his mother. His mom would come home every now and then when he was little but his dad always seemed to have to stay at the office or go out of business trips for work.

So the least he could say was that it was awkward sitting in the same room with him and watching the game like they were a normal family. He hardly knew the guy who helped in creating him, and that just didn’t seem right to him. Ryan risked a glance over at his father, but instead of seeing him watching the game like he had suspected, he was sitting there staring down at his phone as he typed away.

Rolling his eyes, Ryan shot up from his spot and stormed out of the room and away from the man who was supposed to be enjoying his time with his son. Ryan paid no attention to stare that his father gave him as he made his way out of the room and walked towards his bedroom. He couldn’t stop the scowl that was playing on his face as he mumbled incoherent words under his breath. He loved his dad, but sometimes he didn’t know if his old man returned the gesture or not. He just never seemed to care.

Just as he was about to step onto the first step, the door opened and in walked Addie and his mom. His eyes went straight to Addie and he couldn't seem to form words. He knew she said she wanted to get her hair cut, but he didn't know she was actually going to do it. Addie realized that he was staring at her and he could see her cheeks begin to turn pink due to the attention.

She started making her way over towards him after his mother walked by and kissed him on the cheek and headed into the living room where his father still sat. Ryan still couldn't bring himself to say anything to the gorgeous girl standing in front of him. Her smile fell from her face and Ryan could see the insecurities playing on her face as she reached up and ran one of her hands through her now short hair. It looked wonderful. She resembled her mother a lot with this new style. She looked absolutely gorgeous and Ryan just couldn’t seem to form any words.

"Does it look that bad?" she whispered as she looked away from his green eyes. He opened his mouth to say that it looked exactly the opposite, but she already had a look of defeat on her face as she walked past him up the stairs. "I knew this was a bad idea. I just wanted something to remember my mom by," he heard her mumble to herself as she carried a few of her many bags up the stairs. Ryan finally snapped out of his trance and turned to look at the girl he loved walking away from him.

She went from looking and being extremely happy to upset and hurt all because Ryan wasn't smart enough to put into words the thoughts he was thinking. Groaning he grabbed the rest of her bags and headed up after her in hope of clearing this whole matter up. She looked amazing and Ryan couldn't get the words out to tell her that. And now she was upset with him.

"Addie wait, I didn't mean to make you upset, please!" he called out as he made it to the top of the stairs. He was about to follow her into the room, but just before he could step past the threshold, Addie slammed the door shut in his face. Groaning, he rested his head against the door and sighed.

"Just go away Ryan, I need to put away my new things that your mother and I bought today. I would hate for you to see them and not like them so much that you can't even find the words to say anything!" she yelled from the other side of the door.

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