Chapter 22

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Unknown Person's P.O.V:

He had ran from the house feeling completely accomplished as to what had just happened. Addie was terrified and would most likely not sleep a wink tonight. Which leaves the perfect opportunity to start plan two tomorrow at school. She would be tired and there was no way Ryan would be able to be by her side all day long, which gives him the leverage he needs.

Tomorrow he would see if she even remembers who he was, then he would go from there. It shouldn’t be hard to catch her attention so starting this whole thing should be a breeze.

Tomorrow, Addie gets to meet the monster that will haunt her dreams at night.

Addie's P.O.V:

Addie layed there listening to the sound of her alarm clock ring. She hadn't slept much last night. She fell asleep after she finished her drawing of Ryan, but not five minutes later she was jolted awake by the nightmare of someone taking her away. She had tears running down her cheeks as she sat in the bed. Ryan hadn't been woken up by her sudden movement somehow, so Addie did the best she could to keep her sob quiet. She didn’t want to wake him up because she knew he was tired. She could see it in his features when they were laying in the bed before he fell asleep. She refused to be the reason why he wasn’t getting enough sleep.

Finally getting tired of the annoying buzzing of the clock, Addie reached over and shut it off. She didn't get up right away, not wanting to face having to go back to school today. Instead she rolled over on her side and faced Ryan. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Like he didn't have a care in the world, but hey Ryan didn't really have anything to worry about so it worked out for him. If only Addie was that lucky.

Addie lifted her hand up and trailed her fingers down the side of his face, attempting to wake him up. He began to stir so Addie continued with this action until his eyes fluttered open and Addie was gifted with seeing his beautiful green eyes. She smiled softly up at him when his eyes found her own.

"Good morning. What time is it?" he asked in a husky voice as he ran his hands across his face attempting to wake himself up a little more. Addie turned to look at the clock before turning back to him.

"It's about seven in the morning. We need to get up, we have to go to school today," Addie said glumly. The last place she wanted to go was to school. Especially after everything that has happened. She could only imagine what everyone was going to have to say now. She could hear it already! She was pathetic and a fat whore who was just seeking attention anywhere she could find it. The sad part about all of this, they were partially right. She was pathetic and fat, but she wasn’t seeking attention, hell she avoided it at all costs, and she wasn’t a whore.

"Okay, you can take a shower first if you want. I'll wait."

"No, it's okay. I'll go take one in my mom's room and you can take one in mine. That way we both get it done with and we don't have to wait so much," Addie said as she climbed out of the bed and walked over to the dresser to grab her clothes. She had no idea what she was going to wear at school, not that it really mattered anyhow.

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