Chapter 33

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Author's Note: I'm back guys! :) I know this chapter is really short, and I'm sorry that the first chapter that I updated turned out this short, but I'm going to start trying to bring this story to an end soon and I"m not entirely sure just how I want to do that yet. Thanks to all of you who waited for me to update this finally! :) The picture on the side is Ryan!

Addie’s P.O.V:


Addie woke up to an annoying beeping sound. She knew what that sound meant as well. She was back in the hospital. She looked around only to notice that there wasn’t anyone in the room with her. No Ryan, no doctor, no nurses. No one. Addie felt somewhat glad about this too seeing as she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to hold herself together.

Memories of what happened in that janitor’s closet came flooding back to her and she couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She couldn’t really feel any part of her body and she didn’t know if that from the medications they gave her or if she had just been in here for a while. Either way she didn’t seem to care because she wasn’t having to feel that aching pain that remembered feeling all too well.

She was about to close her eyes and let herself drift back into the darkness, but someone decided it was okay to come in the room now. She opened her eyes to see who was in here with her now, and she saw a pair of warm green eyes that made her relax. She couldn’t help but feel a little anxious with being around people right now. But who could blame her? She had just been beaten and raped in a closet at school. She was probably always going to be anxious around people.

She looked away from the green eyes not wanting him to see her like this. She was certain that he had been the one to save her. He had talked to her after he finished doing whatever he did to Jason…


What was going to happen to him? She didn’t know if she could ever leave the house again if he wasn’t taken away, far away.

Ryan cleared his throat which brought Addie out her thoughts as she turned back to look at him. He looked exactly the same as he did the last time she saw him. The only difference was that had a little bit of unshaved facial hair, and his vibrant green eyes seemed dull and sad. Even with everything going on, he still looked as beautiful as ever. That in itself made Addie feel very self-conscious about how she looked.

She knew that she most likely had bruises covering her face and other parts of her body. Any thoughts she had about herself being beautiful before had been washed down the drain now. She knew she had to look absolutely awful and there was nothing that could really be done about it. She would have to live with looking at herself every day and knowing that Jason had taken advantage of her… that he… raped her.

She closed her eyes and pulled the blanket that was resting on her legs up over her head as more tears fell down from her tear ducts. She didn’t want anyone to see her like this… especially Ryan. What would he think of her now? Would he still love her even though someone else had taken her virtue away? Could she even love herself? How could she expect anyone to love her and not be disgusted with her if she couldn’t even do that herself?

The Dangers of Love (The Dangers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now