British Guys Aren't Cute - Chapter Three

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'An Englishman thinks seated; a Frenchman, standing; an American, pacing; an Irishman, afterward,'

Austin O'Malley

Chapter Three

Post 258: 

Another reason why British guys suck; they make you get a replacement coffee for them when you accidentally run into them, even though you've told them that you're late for your class! A great way to get pay back is to tell the waitress that he's a crazed murderer who's wanted by Scotland yard for a murder and you're scared to let him wait long for coffee! Of course, before you go through all that trouble — make sure you actually have a class that day!

Milo smirked at Nora's latest post. Searching 'Nora Flynn' on google had shown many results — but her blog was the most interesting of all. He scrolled down all of her posts, two hundred and fifty-eight spanning two years was pretty impressive! She probably didn't even realise that she was posting her entire dating history for the entire world to see, simply to prove one point! Milo had to admit, she was pretty darn funny about it as well. 

He hadn't been able to get the crazy brunette out of his head, and even still, 24 hours after their run in, she was still messing with his head. This scared Milo, but at the same time intrigued him. Usually he forgets a girl’s name four seconds into the conversation and ends up calling her 'baby' for the rest of the night. But not with Nora. Her name might as well of been tattooed onto his forehead. 

Milo brushed his hand though his hair, trying to figure out why she had stuck in his mind. He knew the reason; but his mind continued to deny it. Milo refused to admit that he was completely infatuated with the girl, like a little lost puppy following the kind girl home. 

"MARCUS!" A voice shouted, pulling Milo's mind away from Nora for a second. 

'Brilliant' Milo thought to himself, 'Jeeves told them!'. 

“MARCUS EDWARD JAMES! Did you go off on your own today?" Milo's mother shouted angrily as she burst into his room. Her face was red with anger, her greying blonde hair all over the place. 

"It doesn't matter," Milo grumbled, not wanting to fight with his mother. It seemed silly to him that he was 21 and had to stick with Jeeves. All he wanted was half an hour of freedom. 

"Yes, it does Milo! For god's sake — you're the crown prince!" his Mother shouted in reply.

"And I'm 21! Does that mean I get no privacy at all?" Milo shouted in reply, his blood boiling in his veins. 

"Yes! You're part of the royal family! Privacy is something you will never have outside the castle!" 

"Is half an hour of freedom to go get a cup of coffee too much to ask? Daniel get's to go where ever he bloody wants!" Milo shouted, getting angry. Daniel was his older half-brother. He was born out of wedlock when Milo's dad was only 20. His father also never married Daniel's mother which meant that he couldn't take over the crown since children born out of wedlock are not allowed to succeed their parents. Nobody outside the royal family knew that Daniel was related to them. Sure, he came to events and he was treated like part of the family. But he had the one thing Milo wanted — freedom from the throne. 

"You know Daniel can't take the throne!" the Queen sighed, understanding how her son was feeling. Milo had always been jealous of Daniel, and still was. He would have done anything to give Daniel the throne. 

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