British Guys Aren't Cute - Chapter Fifteen

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'Perfection is what American women expect to find in their husbands... but English women only hope to find in their butlers,'

Somerset Maugham

Chapter Fifteen

Post 268

So, we are all familiar with Yahoo Answers? Correct? You post a question and people answer you, simple? Well, a woman posted asking 'what makes British guys so hot?', my first though was nothing! They are just like normal guys! But then I started reading the answers, and I stumbled across this beauty,'oh gosh I know what you mean! They're just so... hot I guess because of: they're really clean, like they shower everyday and smell great; well educated/well read; gentlemanly: will give u their coat if its cold, hold the door for u, pay the bill etc; well dressed; polite; Interesting; the accent!'.

This girl has never met a British guy in her life. Don't all guys shower everyday? And all countries will have guys that don't; they do not read well, nor are the well educated! That's the stereotypical accent talking; give you their coat if your cold, hold the door, and pay the bill? WTF, isn't that just standard date behaviour; well dressed — err, no! Just no; and finally the accent, the stereotypical, very untrue accent. 

I must admit there was a bloody good comment that made me have some faith in the human race, '"um... alcohol consumption. I don't mean that they are the ones doing the drinking either, sweetie,”

"In the town where I was born, Lived a man who sailed to sea, And he told us of his life, In the land of submarines,"

"I thought we left the karaoke bar ten minuets ago?" Skye questioned, as Tyler skipped ahead on the empty street, singing The Beatles to himself. 

"You might of baby, but I never leave the karaoke bar!" Tyler smiled back at her, before continuing to hum the tune. 

"How have you lasted so long in public without being sectioned?" Skye questioned, not quite believing that Tyler could be as crazy as he was. Five minuets before, he had bought a random umbrella from a shop and had put it up, even though it hadn't rained all week. 

"My agent always has no choice but to bail me out, I'm too awesome to go to the nut house!" 

"So that's who you were waiting for when we met, your agent?" Skye questioned, running to catch up with Tyler, who was once again singing Yellow Submarine to himself. 

"No, of course not! Asking your agent to bail you out is sad! Actually it's beyond sad! That's like Linsey Lohan sad! I was waiting for a leprechaun to rescue me!" Tyler shrugged, acting like waiting for a leprechaun to bail you out of prison is a normal thing to do. 

"I'm guessing the leprechaun never showed up?" 

"A unicorn appeared instead," he answered simply, his brown eyes filled with glee. 

"And I though I was crazy!" Skye replied, raising her eyebrows slightly, "Compared to you, I'm totally sane!" 

"Awe, it's okay baby-boo! You are mental awesomed too, you just haven't realised your full potential!" Tyler smiled before patting her back. 

"Mental awesomed?" Skye repeated. "Do I even want to ask?" 

"Probably not," Tyler smiled. "Most people would say mentally incapable, I prefer to say awesome instead!" Skye just shook her head in reply, wondering how the hell she had thought that Tyler was perfectly sane! The couple walked up the street in silence, their thoughts in their own word of crazy.

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