Chapter 1

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Dark clouds scudded across the sky, blotting out the stars. The quickening wind chilled me,as strands of my untamed, brown hair, blew across my forehead and cheeks. I untied the dark grey sweater around my waist and threw it over my baby blue tank top.

You'd think that it being March and all, it wouldn't be this cold, but I guess mother nature's been in a glum mood lately. I mean come on, for God sake, its almost spring. But then again, its New York we're talking about here, ofcourse its gloomy.

I pushed the internal debate to the back of my mind and rounded the corner, stopping infront of Lola's Cafe. I slowly opened the door and felt a sense of relaxation wash over me as I inhaled the delicious aroma of coffee. I slid into a booth at the far corner of the cafe and was immediately greeted by a waitress. She had a kind smile plastered on her face and a tight bun that stretched her eyes slightly, revealing small wrinkles. She looked as if she were in her mid thirties and her heart shaped face suited her plump body. Her hazel eyes twinkled at me as she spoke.

"What can I get for you hon?" She had a thick southern accent that I would die for.

"Actually, i'm waiting on someone. Can I order later?"

"Ofcourse," she replied sweetly and spun on her heels to take another order at a nearby booth.

I sank lower into the booth, trying not to think about the stressful day I had. First, I was incredibly late for school and as I was about to enter class I collided with Principal Watson, who gave me a hell long speech about being punctual and then practically forced me to help with the Haiti Drive tomorrow. Honestly, I think I would have signed up anyway, I feel really sorry for them. Trouble always seems to follow them.

When I was finally released from her clutches, I entered class only to receive another depressingly long speech on punctuality. To top it all of, my best and only friend, Mandy Edwards didn't even show up to school. Talk about a long, miserable and lonely day. Now I was here waiting for my dad- that's fifteen minutes late, by the way- and nervous as he sounded pretty shaky over the phone. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a deep voice.

"Hi Cali." I turned to see my dad walking towards me. I got up and embraced him, inhaling the deep scent of the cologne I had bought for him last Christmas. I sat back down and gestured for him to sit opposite me. I stared at him, noticing the dark circles forming under his grey eyes- the one physical feature we shared. He was working way to hard. His blondish, brownish hair was dishevelled and his thin lips were really chapped. Suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious, I passed my hand through my shoulder length brown hair and traced my fingers over my own thin lips.

"So.." he began. I stiffened feeling the tension between us growing stronger by the minute. I knew I wouldn't like what he was about to say.

"Susana called!" My heart skipped a beat, the name ringing in my head. That's why he wanted to meet in public, he knew I would act much more rationally and civil in here.

"What did she want?" I questioned, looking down at my bleached jeans and white converse. I honestly did not care what she had to say.

"She wants you to spend Spring Break with her in Pennsylvania." I bit my lip. The air was thin. He already knew my answer. I already knew my answer. I wasn't going. I wanted nothing to do with the woman who had abandoned me at four.

She left me, left us, and I never want anything to do with her. I still remember that little girl who spent years hoping, praying that mommy would come back, but she never did. She tried to reach out to me when I was around thirteen, but I didn't want to see or meet her. Four years later and I still don't want to.
"I don't want to go!" was my sudden reply.

"Come on Cali, it was a very long time ago, she was young, cut her some slack."

"SHE left US!" I shot back.

A shocked expression grew on his face and I knew I had hurt him, but I didn't care. I don't care if she was seventeen or seventy when she had me. He stayed, she didn't, he worked hard for both of us, she didn't, he was there when I learned how to ride a bike, she wasn't. No girl should have to go through life without her mother. I did not want to go and he couldn't make me.

"Look Cali.." he began sternly, "your mother was very young when she had y-"

"I know!" I cut him of. He looked at me angrily and finished.

"I know for a fact that she regrets leaving you and I know if she could go back and change it she would, but unfortunately she can't, so stop acting like a baby and give her a chance!"

"Yes!" I started loudly. Everyone's eyes were on me, but I didn't care.

"A baby is exactly what I was when she left me," I choked out. Hurt washed over me and I was fighting back the tears forming in my eyes. My father's gaze softened as he realised how upset I was. I had to get out of there, I didn't know how much longer I could hold back my tears.

I got up and began to leave but he grabbed my hand and stared lovingly into my watery eyes.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"See you at home," I croaked and left. As I stepped outside, a cool breeze blew past me,as a tear trickled down my cheek. The chilly air did not bother me one bit now. It was simply a companion to the feeling inside me. Coldness.


Hey guys..soooo I'm new to wattpad, not very sure how to work everything yet but i'll get it!!!! I hope you enjoyed the first part of my book!I know its short but bare with me, the next chapter WILL be longer. I'm a young writer soooo i'm not that good but give me a chance. Just putting this out there.....there will be mature content in this book....maybe not now, but definitely! If you're on wattpad i'm sure your brain is already corrupted but whatever...just saying! Vote, Comment... I really wana know what you guys think...oh and before I forget....I think my next update will be in about two-three days...give me a chance!!!!! K bye guyzzzzzz..


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