Chapter 16

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Its been a week since everything. Everyone was just about getting used to each other. Dad had kicked Susana out. I understood why, but for the first time I actually got Susana's side as well. Dad had also opened an invitation to James to come stay with us and believe it or not, he accepted. We were all stunned. He and Mandy hadn't talk this past week and weirdly, neither had Jace and I.

There was a small knock on my door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and James walked in. This pass week, he had been doing that a lot. Asked me about my life...and Mandy's...talked about his and we even shared one awkward hug or two. I mean for God sake, we were twins. What James was doing was totally not James, but i'm guessing that James didn't know he had other family, let alone a twin.

"'s the big day," he joked, sitting next to me on my bed. I nudged his shoulder playfully.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten that your 'goons' tred to kill me."

He rolled his eyes. "First of all, they wouldn't have killed you and two, they aren't my goons. Now stop avoiding the burning's the big day!"

"I hate this. Please lets pretend it's a normal Saturday and that this day, 11th April, means nothing!"

He smirked. "Its's not me you should be worried about!"

I cocked my head and sent him a questioning look, but everything was answered my the choir that entered my room.

"Happy Birthday to you.." Mandy and dad were singing awfully and carrying a small chocolate cake with 18 icined on it. I rammed back into my pillow and covered my ears, groaning. I hated birthdays. Well...not in general, just this part of it. Honestly, all I needed for my birthday was a really nice gift. After that, you could leave me alone and i'd be happy for the rest of the day.

Coming to a sudden realisation, I shot back up and wrapped James into a not-so-awkward-hug.

"Happy Birthday."

"You too Cali."

My dad joined us and Mandy hugged me individually, before simply glancing at James in acknowledgement. I could tell it was killing James. I should know. When Mandy and I weren't talking, it was killing me too.

Dad put the cake in front of us. Both our names were on it. And even though I could tell James hated birthdays as much as me, I could also tell how happy he was to be part of everything with dad and I.

"Make a wish," Mandy urged. James and I looked at each other, then back at dad and Mandy. We shared a mischievous smile and blew out our candles. I already knew what James was thinking. I know right, one week and we already had twin telepathy. Slyly, we both scooped up large chunks of cake and while I smashed mine into Mandy's face, he smashed his into dad's.

They both staggered back and I immediately raised my hand in surrender. It was my room and I was not going to risk getting cake on everything.

"You're lucky you're the birthday girl," Mandy chirped, wiping some cake off of her face. She still hadn't spoken to James and it was getting tense. I knew what they needed.

", how about we go downstairs and you ct me a slice of that cake," I stared at the cake, "or what's left of it."

We both exited the room and Mandy was about to follow us when I held her back.

"Actually, it'd be really nice if you could clean up the cake that fell on my floor. Maybe James could help you."

She shot me a death squint and was about to protest when I said something that shut her up.

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