Chapter 2

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The sound of my cellphone brought me out of my dreamless sleep. I threw my hand onto the bed stand to the right of me. I picked up the cool metallic object and pressed it against my face.

"Hello," I groaned. To my surprise, the phone kept ringing, no matter how much my hands pressed it. As my eyes fully opened and the bluriness from my vision faded, I realised I was holding my calculator- which I used last night to complete my Math assignment. Embarrassed, I picked up my actual phone and answered it. A loud scream erupted from the speaker and I groaned, covering my ears.

"Where are you, its 8:45?" I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and sat up on my bed, glancing at my clock. Shit.

"I'll be right there Mandy!"  I hung up and began undressing.

School begins at 9 and I was not getting in any more trouble about being late.

I really need to remember to set my alarm.

I took a cold shower, to really wake me up and dried my skin quickly. I brushed my teeth, threw on some underwear and put on a fitted, black tee and faded jeans. I tied my hair in a high ponytail and rushed downstairs. In my hurry I almost forgot to say goodbye to dad. As I began to ascend the steps to my father's room, last night's events came rushing back to me. I stopped in my tracks. I don't think I want to face him after last night. I exited the house not saying a word, hopped into the black SUV my dad and I shared and drove to school.


A slender hand waved at me as I got out of my parked car. My best friend- Mandy Edwards- was literally bouncing, as she made her way towards me.

"9:05," she began, "I'm impressed!"

I smirked at her. I usually got ready in about ten minutes and the drive from home to school is about five minutes. Late or not, I was at least usually on time to my first class of the day. I never missed school. I have had a perfect record since Elementary and I intend for it to stay that way.
Speaking of not coming to school.

"Why weren't you in school yesterday?"

I turned to her, eyeing her gorgeous features. Her long blonde hair was full and shiny. She had big, emerald green eyes that were protected by thick lashes and her plump lips were a pretty pink. Her curvaceous body made mine look sickly, every feature about her showed just how much better looking she was compared to me.

Her eyes darkened and I could tell she was holding back words.

" got up late," she stuttered, "besides we're seniors, we can do what we want!"

That was a lie. We are under more surveillance now than Freshman Year and she knew it. Besides, she was never late and even if she was, her mother would have dragged her butt out and forced her to go to school. I looked at Mandy, realising how nervous she was. I decided not to press her for information. She would tell me when she wanted to. I nodded at her and she smiled. We began our journey to our first class in silence.

The bell rang for lunch and I hurried towards the cafeteria. My stomach was growling. As I waited in line for my food I noticed Mandy talking to Mr. Paul, our math teacher. She was blushing slightly and constantly twirling strands of her long, golden hair between her fingers.

I already knew about her little crush on him. No matter how many times I told her he was at least twenty years older than her, with wife and kids, she didn't care.

When Mr. Paul walked away she turned her head in my direction. I waved at her and smiled, but she pretended as if she didn't see me, her eyes darkening, and left. I felt hurt at the way she was ignoring me today. Why was that? Did she not care about our friendship anymore?
My thoughts were cut off by the sudden clearing of a throat. My head snapped up to see that the line in front of me had dispersed and the lunch lady was waiting for me to order.

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