Chapter 7

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Got that pic above from an AMAZING girlfriend of mine. Thought it was so cute and I decided to put it in.♡

What the hell?

It's all correct.

Not copied.

Not badly written.

Definitely got the history correct.

Good grammar, well.....I could do better.....BUT STILL!

I sat on my bed, mouth agape, staring at my computer screen. I could not believe my eyes. Jace had sent me the project on email and it was perfect. I was lost for words. Who would've thought....the bad boy's grammar was bad ass.

Well...maybe a little bit. There were a couple small spelling mistakes, but I'll give him a little credit. As I was about to correct them, Susana called.

"Cali, dinner's ready!"

I scowled. I hated this. Dad and her had been doing this for the past week. Pretending as if we were a family, sitting at a table, eating dinner.

It was torture.

We never would be a real family. Even if we tried. There was too much pain in our hearts.

Reluctantly, I rolled out of bed and stomped downstairs. Susana sat at one head of the table and ushered for me to sit at the other. I did as I was told, but I was still confused.
Didn't dad usually sit there?

"You're father got held back at the hospital, he won't be here for dinner," she stated, answering my question, but raising another.

If dad wasn't here, why were we doing this?
I only did this to please dad and I'm sure Susana did to. Why did she even come in the first place? She defintely didn't want a relationship with me! It's been over ten years.

Without thinking, I blurted out my question.

"What do you want with my dad and I?"

She looked taken back. Cutting into her steak and taking a bite, she replied, "I wanted to get to know you."

I shook my head amusingly.
"Dad's not here, you can cut the crap!"

She dropped her knife and fork, and stared at me intently.
"I am done with your disrespect Cali! I am your mother, an adult, you will never speak to me like that again. Also, I am here because I want to get to know you...have I made myself clear?"

"Crystal!" I replied stubbornly.

We ate in silence for a little while longer.

My brain was in total chaos. What did she really want? Why was she here? Was it money? Was she having problems with her new....husband?

I couldn't hold it back any longer, and just like that, I made like Elsa and let it go.

"If it's money you want, you don't have to keep pretending! I'm sure dad will give it to you. That way, we both get what we want. I have the privilege of walking you out that door and never seeing you again and you have the money you need."

Susan's entire body slouched. Her face fell and she had a morbid look on her face. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes, allowing a single tear to fall onto her cheek. She pushed back her chair and got up.

"E-excuse me," she choked out and fled upstairs.

I shook my head in disbelief as I plopped a piece of steak in my mouth.

RELEASE (Wattys2017)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ