Chapter 11

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I didn't want to see what would happen next. I didn't want to see how my purity would be stolen.

His rough hand trailed along the side of my left thigh and gave it a hard smack. I let out a muffled groan and in my attempts to escape, I bit his palm.

"Yurr bitch!" he slurred, pulling away his hand. I didn't waste a single second. I screamed for help, praying that God would send an angel to rescue me.

The figure, in his rage, tugged at my top and it ripped, leaving me in only my bra.

Just as I was about to lose all hope, the door to the room was pushed open and a large 6'3 framed figure, stood in the doorway.

"What the fuck?" the figure roared, waisting no time in pulling the person off me.

I caught a glimpse of my angel.


I pulled my legs to my chest, trying to hide my exposed area and trembling from the experience I almost had. I watched in content as Jace beat the crap out off........

Aaron Marai?

"You fucking could you?"
Jace spoke as he threw a couple hard punches. Aaron didn't get a chance to fight back. Jace had him pinned to the ground and he was as helpless as a baby.

I wanted so badly to watch that bastard suffer, but Jace was going to far. He was blood thirsty.

"Jace," I hiccuped, trying to stop the tears that were threatning to escape, "let him go, he's not worth it."

"He fucking touched you Cali, i'm not letting this jackass go."

"Please.." I whispered, tears pouring down my cheeks, "i-i just wana go."

His jaw clenched and he let out an exasperated sigh. He gave him one last punch and Aaron was out.

I finally let go. I buried my face in between my legs and just cried. Jace was at my side in a split second. He took off his jacket and put it over me, wrapping me in a warm embrace. I cried harder.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby," he soothed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled the jacket tighter over me.

"I-I, I want, t-to go home," I hiccuped.

He lift me off the bed with ease and carried me out the door bridal style.

We descended the stairs, receiving stares from everyone we passed. I pressed my face against his chest, trying to drown out the sound of the music and avoid the looks of those around us.

"Wh-what happened?" slurred a soft voice which I instantly recognised.


I leaned closer into Jace, trying to avoid Mandy and her questions.

"She's having a complicated night," he said, realising that I didn't want anyone else in this.

"Well-" Mandy was about to argue when Damon, carrying a knocked out Myah came up to us.

"What-" Damon started but was cutt off by a now fed up Jace.

"She's fine, she just needs to get out of here!" Jace explained, then calmly asked, " could you carry those two home?"

Damon glanced at Mandy before nodding. However she began to object, saying that she would go with her car, but was already being dragged away by Damon.

Jace exited the house and settled me into his car before getting in himself. He pulled out off the yard and began to drive.

All I could do was stare out the window and think about tonight. The deafening silence in the car was peaceful. I was thankful that I didn't have to say anything about tonight. The experience was already so embarrassing and scary.

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