Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


I clench my fists as I stare at the TV screen, refusing to tear my eyes from the young woman staring back at me.


I knew her name already.

I knew her schedule and I knew she lived alone.

I'd done my research and it had paid off.

I'd actually killed her.

And I enjoyed it...

A tingling in my fingers spreads throughout my body, forcing me to leave the room and go upstairs.

I feel calm the second I enter my study, opening my desk drawer so I can flick through my journal.

I can't remember how long I've been sketching for. It must have been ten years and I've filled countless pages, cherishing each of my drawings once I've completed them.

Endless sketches of the angel that once graced my existence.

I remember everything about her...

I remember her scent and her eyes.

I remember her hands and how small they felt in mine.

I was at peace when I held her in my arms, finding it easy to block out the rest of the world.

I've been tortured since I lost her, consumed by madness and rage each second we've been apart.

She quietened my demons, silencing the chaos swimming through my mind.

She's the only one who could cure me.

I found freedom with her. I found hope despite the shit hole we lived in and despair it brought us. I swore I would change the second I saw her and I stuck to it.

Until she vanished.

I remember that night so clearly... I remember every single detail except what happened after I passed out.

I tried to hold on, tearing my skin to shreds as I clung to the drainpipe we used to escape.

I didn't give a shit about myself but Evie was holding onto me. I knew if I let go and we fell then she would take the brunt of it. I would crush her and that's why I refused to let go.

My fear was paralysing as blood poured from my knuckles. Insurmountable terror forced me to cling on... strengthening my hold when I heard her scream out in terror, scrambling to hold onto me as we plunged into the darkness...

I woke up in hospital, trying to free myself from the tubes sticking in my arm.

"Evie..." I croaked, reaching out for her.

"Shh... you're alright." A nurse soothed me, stroking my damp forehead. "You're safe."

"Where is she?" I demanded, trying to sit up in bed. "Where the fuck is she?!"

"It's alright, Niall. You're going to be alright." The nurse repeated, trying to push me back down.

"Where is she?!" I roared, striking out against her.

"Niall, calm down." Patricia spoke firmly, entering the room.

Narrowing my eyes at the spiteful bitch before me, I lowered my voice and curled my fists.

"Where the hell is Evie?" I commanded, breathing erratically.

"Jeremy just phoned." She informed me, taking a step back. "Evie is dead, Niall."

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