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I suppose you can't escape what most would call drama.

Drama. A noun. "an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance" or maybe even, the phrase 'make a drama out of' would be more accurate in this context. A phrase. "exaggerate the importance of (a minor problem or incident)".

Straight from the dictionary.

It doesn't matter how much I try to stay out of or away from the spotlight, the corner of it always seems to catch me, almost asking me to be involved, asking me to jump into the fray; but that's just not me. I'm not that sort of person.

I have a strong dislike of confrontation, to the point where I will physically leave the room, or block it out as much as I can if I am somehow unable to leave for some reason.

Often, when asked my opinion on a matter, my reply is simply, "I am Switzerland".

Switzerland, the one European nation who remained completely uninvolved in regional and national conflict, who only fought in World War 2 to keep Hitler out of their country, and past that, remained completely neutral, and a refuge for those who wished to avoid the fighting.

I may not be as strong as Switzerland, because sometimes I feel so strongly about something that I can't help but pick a side, and I will not hesitate to fight back if attacked. But like Switzerland, I will always try to make myself a safe place, a refuge for those wishing to avoid drama and confrontation, and an unbiased listener for those who can't help but be in the midst of it, by choice or by force.

So you can talk to me, and rant to me, but I won't always give you an answer, because I refuse to let my probably biased opinion become apart of the situation.

But I promise I'll be there to listen.

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