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There comes a time when we need to acknowledge the fact that people change. They always have and they always will. Change is the only thing that is constant in this world, and we need to come to terms with that.

The person you know today is never quite the same as the person they may have been 24 hours ago. It may not be noticeable to you, it may not even be noticeable to them but in those past 24 hours, that person has changed.

Everything that happens to you, every little thing, changes something about you, whether it be something small like the way you write a word, something a little bigger like the way you present yourself, or something you haven't even noticed yet, like the way you look at someone.

Change is not good. Change is not bad. It just is what it is, and we need to come to terms with that.

You can't expect a person not to change, not to grow; because as long as we are human, as long as we breathe, think, or move, we will change. It simply can't be helped.

If you look back at the person you were yesterday, then a week ago, then a few months ago, you may spot some differences, and then there may be even more that you just can't see yourself; the little things you do subconsciously. Now, understanding that you change, you can't expect others to stay exactly the same.

Everyone changes, because change is constant, and we need to come to terms with that.

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