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(Since January 18, 2017) [Additions on Dec. 27, 2017]

This has been literally a year in the making at this point. From forgotten...to revived.

I feel like friendship appreciation posts are obligatory, but I think someone usually ends up feeling offended by the published result. Because someone always gets left out.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

You never know if you're saying the right things, or if you're transparent enough that nothing comes as a surprise, but I suppose I'll do it anyway because sometimes, people just need to know that they are in fact appreciated and not taken for granted.

Short, sweet and to the point. Sort of. Not at all.

Pie, Rudy, Alex, my literal day one, my biffle. I love you and you know that, so I don't know what kind of long drawn out paragraph you're expecting here. My smol cute thing. Nuff years of friendship and counting. I tell you everything, maybe not immediately after it happens but I do eventually and that's what matters. Your house is my second home and mine is yours, so 'twins' extends far past us sharing the same birthday. Thank you for everything, literally everything; for listening to me, for opening up to me, for every up and every down, for standing at the front of the barre in ballet when you used to show up, for not abandoning me during cardio in modern when I used to show up, for swatching lipstick with me in MAC (we've come so far in terms of makeup addictions), for everything. And no your paragraph isn't that long, because I'm so transparent to you that I feel like you know everything anyway so hush, and I'm pretty sure you have a whole chapter elsewhere. You are the Eliza to my Angelica, the Marius to my Enjorlas. The Heather McNamara to my toxic Heather Chandler. I love you, bean, from the bottom of my heart.

Rishad, in my phone currently (up to this day) as Fifi Willis (because of those 2 snaps that I have saved permanently on my phone, along with about 90 others...curb your Snapchat addiction), Cassius, and previously Lavontéquan. I've known you for just over 3 years and I feel like we're already closer than I am with people I've known for 6 years and more. I remember we used to joke that this friendship was a cage, inescapable, but I'd never want to escape anyway, it's great here, and you couldn't kick me out if you tried. Your writing gives me life, and sometimes death because I struggle to reach your level when we're writing together, even though we never saw FALL to completion, and you're personality is one of the absolute best things ever, whether you're being excessively loud to get a point across, helping me round up all those children at swim sports (why did we volunteer to be managers again?) or just quietly (or loudly) salting people from the corner. I love you, potato, and I just want you to know that if you don't know it already.

Adam, Aniki, the brother I never had. You're a little over a year older than me, let's call it a year and a half, but somehow I feel like the mature one in our friendship half the time, and that's okay. You're my aniki, and I'm your imouto even though it's usually me giving you life advice, from education to relationships, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've known you for a little over three years now (now even longer) but I feel like I've known you for so much longer, like you really are my older brother. I pray that you never lose that spark of innocence you've managed to hold onto for 18 years and counting, even though it grows dimmer day by day. I pray that the world doesn't crush you and that you keep your optimistic attitude that makes you who you are. And trust me, even when you leave in a year, I will be harassing you like any younger sister should. I don't need to say I hope you don't forget me, I'll make sure you don't. This is just to remind you that I made good on the promise of harassment, and luring you into rigged bets. Thank you once again for buying me a day 2 ticket for Animekon, and being an amazing big brother in general.

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