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I've mentioned it before in passing, but I don't think I've really properly addressed it.

It's nothing serious. No need to panic. No need for alarm. I just don't say anything because I don't know if anyone would understand, or even be willing to try and understand.

I'm very emotionally detached.

Like a balloon constantly floating through the air. Sure you can pull it back down to earth but somehow it always escapes and floats away again.

My emotions are like that balloon I suppose. Never quite there. I can grasp them for a minute but, then, if there's no compelling reason for them to stay, they float away again.

Overtime I've learnt how to blow up temporary balloons for special occasions, but I don't think they're ever quite right. They never look or feel quite the same as my balloon, the one I can't keep grounded.

I envy those who have a firm hold on their balloon, and never let it get away from them. Some people even let their balloons carry them away and get lost in the sky with only the balloon to guide them. I even envy the people who can't find their balloons, but are masters at blowing up temporary ones whenever the situation calls for it.

Despite all this, slowly my balloon has been drifting back down to me. It's within reach more often, it'll stick around longer, and that's a drastic improvement.

Maybe one day it won't leave me anymore.

The Picture: The short film 'The Red Balloon' (from 1956) is a beautiful pice of art and I highly recommend that you watch it. Not to see that balloon as a metaphor, although it could be, but because it is an amazing short film that everyone deserves to see at least once.

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