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  A blur of yellow ran through the village as the sun began to set. 

  "Get back here you Demon!" people yelled after it.

"Please...I'm sorry what did I do? Leave me alone!" the blur replied.

  The blur stopped after turning into an alley blocked by a fence. The blur happened to be a four year old boy, he possessed blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and whiskered cheeks. Dirt covered his cheeks and tears gathered in his eyes as the crowd of villagers closed in on him.

  "You killed my wife you DEMON!" one man yelled  throwing a rock at the small child, cutting his head.

  "" the child called out as the crowded beat, kicked, cut, and spit on him. 

    After what seemed like hours the crowd dispersed leaving the small child to bleed to death. Tears forced themselves past swollen shut eyes, blood leaked from cuts that covered every inch of skin, bruises plastered his arms and legs,and his clothes were ripped in every place. 

   Why...why is it always me. What did I do, I don't understand. It hurts, why...I don't understand.

"H-help...please!" he cried from where he lay, his voice barely above a whisper.

  A figure watched from above, a mask covering his face.

"Dog?" another figure asked.

   "I'll take him. Head back to the Hokage and inform him of today's excursion, take Snake with you, Raven." The figure named Dog said, never taking his eyes off of the small child.

   "Of course. Dog?...W-will he be alright?" Raven asked.

     With a small nod from Dog, the other figure departed while he made his way to the small child. With care Dog gently lifted the child from the ground where he lay and disappeared from the alley.

   "P-please...don't hurt me." the child whispered, a small hand grasping Dog's wrist.

"I would never hurt you...Naruto." Dog replied whispering the child's name.

.                                                                                                                                                                                                   .

 "You can take your mask off, Kakashi." an elderly man said as he sat behind his desk.

   He was speaking to a masked figure holding the small child in his arms. Gently he lay the boy down and did as he was told. Revealing mismatched eyes and a scar over the left, which he quickly hid with a head band that possessed a leaf on it.

"Hokage-sama, I am sorry I was too late to stop the villagers." Kakashi said, bowing, his silver hair bouncy as he did so.

 "Nonsense. There was nothing you could have done." The Hokage said as he smoothed the resting child's blonde locks. 

 A sad smile replaced his frown as he saw the unconscious flinch the boy gave at being touched. 

"Kakashi?" The man said his eyes never leaving the sleeping form of the small child.

  "Yes, Hokage-sama?" Kakashi replied.

"Keep an eye on him, if you must, make your home his. When he is old enough to attend the academy I know Iruka will take care of him. Until then I want you to care for him as best as you can." The old man replied.

  "B-but...sir I can't take care of a child!"Kakashi hissed worry in his eyes.

"You don't need to be a father to him, just protect him as best as you can. From the shadows if you need to, but protect him." The Hokage replied sternly.

  "Yes, Hokage-sama!" Kakashi replied as he moved to put his mask on.

"You're dismissed, I'll see to Naruto." The Hokage said and soon only he and the sleeping child were the only ones in the room.

  So um... I've always wanted to write one of these stories but I never knew how.
  I hope it goes well.
  Until next time, goodbye 🙋🙋🙋

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