Starting Today You are Team 7(part 1)

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First let me say I'm sorry I disappeared, had some family issues to take care of but the schedule should go back to daily or 2 every other day. Once again really sorry there haven't been any recent updates, family comes first before my stories.

The sun was slowly making its ways over the Hokage monument three figures slept in their beds across the village.
"Iruka, don't you think you should wake Naruto?" A lazy voice called as the owner wrapped their hands around the named chuunin.
"Oh hey Genma, he can sleep for a few more minutes. Besides Kakashi is going to be late so I'll let him enjoy his rest." Iruka said pecking his lover's cheek before the two walked downstairs to let the blonde sleep.
"Sakura honey, wake up or you'll be late for your first team mission." A voice called to the sleeping form.
Pink peeked from under the blanket as the figure stirred. Green eyes blinked tiredly as the young kunoichi got out of bed her pink hair barely disturbed from its place. After showering and changing she denied the light breakfast from her parents and made her way to the training ground to start her ninja journey.
Ring ring
Raven spikes swayed as a small form was seen practicing taijutsu. The young boy had been up since 4 an hour before his alarm. He slowly munched on an apple as he began to walk towards the training ground on the other side of the village. The thought of vengeance on his mind.
"Naruto wake up, don't you have to meet your sensei and teammates today?" A voice asked to the sleeping blond.
"Five more... minutes..." The blond snoozed.
"If I give you five more minutes you'll be late. Come on Naruto wake up." The voice said again ripping the blanket from the blond.
"WHAT!" The screaming blond fell to the floor and the sound of footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs.
"N-Naruto are you o...Kay?" Iruka asked while Genma laughed at the odd scene.
The young blond was laying face first on the floor, his blanket on his head with one leg hanging onto the bed. While Genma was laughing Iruka noticed a small tuft of sliver peeking from the edge of the window.
"Naruto get up and go get dressed or you'll be late." Iruka said picking the young blond up.
After he left followed by Genma, Iruka made his way over to the window.
"You know, one of these days he's gonna see you. What are you gonna do, how will you explain that to him?" Iruka said to the silver haired figure.
"He won't...simple as that. I promised I'd watch over him and I'm gonna do exactly that, he won't find out. Also I told them not to eat anything so DON'T give him any food, it'd be an unfair advantage compared to his teammates." The silver haired figure said before leaving.
"Ruka? Who were you talking to?" The young blond asked as he walked back into his room.
"AH! N-no one Naruto! Hurry or you'll be late." Iruka said closing the window, hurriedly walking out of the young blond's room.
Naruto paused a moment to watch Iruka leave before focusing his senses to try and figure out who he has been talking to.
It's coming from outside?
Naruto thought as he moved towards the window. There was no one there but a scent that reminded the blond of...Anbu-san?
The blond shook his thoughts as he grabbed a piece of toast from the table without Iruka noticing and running outside. The entire walk to the training ground he thought he felt someone following him but every time he stopped to look no one was there.
At the training ground

"Ah, good morning Sakura-chan!" Naruto said only to have his gut punched by the pink kunoichi.
"Geez Naruto why can't you be more like Sasuke!" The pink banshee screamed.
"Hn...Dobe." Sasuke said ignoring Sakura and her attempts to flirt with him.
His eyes were trained on Naruto as the blond wiped what looked like blood? from a cut on his forehead.
"N-Naruto are you okay?" The young Uchiha found himself asking although he didn't know why.
Sakura turned her attention to her other teammate as he tried to stand up. He held a small scowl and a pained expression before it disappeared.
"GEEZ SAKURA-CHAN WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" he yelled acting like his 'usual' self.
The figure watched from atop a tree, his three young charges were interesting to say the least. He'd have to teach them the importance of team work, and hopefully the young kunoichi wouldn't kill her blond teammate before it was over. He kept his eyes trained on the blonde as he noticed his turned away to stop the blood coming from his head wound. A scowl formed before he decided to make a move.
"Good morning everyone!" He said as three pairs of tears turned towards him.
"YOU'RE LATE SENSEI!" two voices yelled simultaneously.
He noticed Naruto's wince as he touched his forehead. Sighing the man suddenly moved over to his smallest charge,
"Are you okay Naruto?" He asked his one eye trained on the small cut.
"EH!" The blond yelled at the sudden appearance of his sensei.
He fell backwards but before he could hit the ground a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Cerulean blue looked into onyx etched with worry.
"Ne, sensei I'm fine really it's nothing." The blond said pushing away from the man suddenly finding his feet the most interesting thing in the world.
Kakashi sighed as he turned his attention to his other two charges before giving all three an eye smile.
"Sorry for being late, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way around." He said using an old friends' excuse smiling fondly at the memory.
"LIAR" two of his charges yelled.
"Well then...why don't we discuss today's mission..." He said grabbing the three young ninja's attention.
"It's going to be an exercise of sorts, I want you three to get these bells." He said dangling a pair of silver bells from his hand.
"You have til noon, you may use any weapon and come at me with the intent to kill or don't attack at all." Kakashi said before turning to block Sasuke's attack.
"You have intent to kill but I never said start. Hmm...Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies!"
"WHAT!" the young kunoichi screamed.
"The ninja world is full of situations like these you must be prepared. Now when I say start you have until noon to get a bell or you go back to the academy." He said startling all three.
"But sensei you can't do that!" Sakura said.
"Actually I can, if I deem you unfit to be ninja I can send you back to the academy. So simply...pass." he said smiling.
"Start!" He said.
His charges turned to hiding,
Well their good at hiding although they can't conceal their chakra very well.
"I'm gonna take those bells from you Cyclops!" He heard and turned to find Naruto standing in the clearing with him.
"Are you stupid or something." He asked taking out an orange book.
"Sensei why did you take that book out, we're supposed to be fighting!" The blond said a bit frustrated.
Kakashi smirked under his mask before replying,
"I'll only need one hand to fight you."
In anger at being underestimated the young blond formed a few hand signals before yelling,
"MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" a puff of smoke appeared and cleared to show about 10 Narutos.
So the rumors are true!
Kakashi mused as the clones of his student rushed him. He simply blocked them and dispelled a few before using a simple replacement jutsu with one of the clones. He watched as they turned on one another before he felt a small presence near his left hip where he had placed the bells.
"Nice try Naruto!" He chirped before reappearing behind the blond.
"1000 years of death!" He yelled and the blond was sent flying towards the lake a scream of pain coming from him.
Two young ninja's hidden from few both seemed to find the scene hilarious and irritating.
That idiot is my teammate! He'll just get in the way of my Sasuke.
Naruto POV
I felt a pain and noticed something,
I was falling, well flying. I was also heading to the water. My mind was racing, I couldn't land in the water...I...didn't know how to swim!
I felt cold,I could see light from above me but it was getting darker. Then all I could see were those eyes...
"Hey look it's the demon!" A villager yelled as Naruto walked quickly by.
A hand grabbed the 6 year old blond hurling him into a nearby tree. He fell to the ground as the villagers circled him.
"Do you think it can swim?" Asked a woman.
"Let's find out" came the reply as the blonde was picked up forcefully.
He struggled in the grip but failed to escape, he was beaten before being thrown into a lake to drown. He'd never been in water like this before so when he started sinking he wasn't sure how to stop, he was running out of air and soon it all went black.
"COME ON KID WAKE UP. BREATHE DAMMIT!" Naruto heard before his chest hurt and he began coughing up water while struggling for air.
He looked around to see a masked figure, a tuft of silver coming from the hood. The hair was new to him but he could smell who this person was,
"Anbu-san?" The child asked.
"Hey kid, why didn't you swim back up?" He asked sitting next to the young blond.
"D-don't know how..." Came the small reply.
" bout I teach you?" The anbu suggested watching blue eyes light up in happiness.
"Really?" He asked.
"Really kid."
Heh, he never taught me how to swim.
"I can't let it end here, I have to..."

Hey everyone, so sorry I've been gone. Had some family issues and I got really sick. Look out for part two soon. Until next time, bye 🙋🙋🙋

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