Author's note

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  Hey everyone just a few words I really needed to say. As many of you know writing on Wattpad or any platform can be hard to start. You may feel that if no one reads your work or if you don't get votes or have as many followers as others that you should give up. But THAT'S NOT TRUE. I don't have thousands of followers or have millions of people that enjoy my writing, I've felt exactly like many of you have, but I kept writing because it makes me happy. If you want someone to read what you write, then write because it makes you happy, not because you want to get noticed. If you write to please yourself instead of others, then that first comment or vote is so much more meaningful. On my last chapter, someone told me my writing inspires them, that was the greatest thing anyone could have said to me, and while I'm happy that someone sad that. There is something else that makes me even happier and it's this; a while back I made a septiplier fanfic and an xreader type fanfic and wanted to stop writing because they didn't have as many views as others in that category. I was so ready to give up writing, so ready to stop doing what I love because I felt I wasn't as good as other people. But, then I looked back at my first two stories. One has thousands of reads and while I love it and loved writing it, I don't feel pride from having written it. The other one, has barely any reads or votes or comments, it was a short story from my high school English class that I wrote. It's an unknown when it comes to my page, but...when I see that story I remember why I continue writing. That short story pushes me everyday to keep writing and it's nothing...NOTHING, compared to everything else on my page but it's the one them I'm most proud of.
  My words may not mean much to some of you, it to those of you that listen. I want you to find what makes you want to write and when you feel you aren't good enough, REMEMBER THAT ONE THING. That one thing that makes you proud you write, and please write what YOU want not what will make others read your story. And if you want someone to be the first one to read it, don't be sacred to ask me. I'll do it, because I want you to know that even if you feel no one will support you, just ask me and I'll be that person. I know it's hard, and sometimes you want to give up but, DON'T, you're amazing you all have the capability to make amazing stories that will have others feeling as if they aren't as good as YOU are. I know that when that day comes you'll want to brag about how great your story is doing but remember my words and help others feel that they can do anything. I love each and everyone of you for giving me this chance to entertain you with my writings and I hope in turn you do the same. That's all for now and to the person that said I inspire them, than you and keep writing because I want to know when you get those words in return because I know YOU are capable of it.

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