Love Even Though it Hurts

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Hey everyone, definitely hoping to keep a daily schedule and if I get off track I need you guys and gals to nag me until I'm back on. Anyways,
Here's the next chapter, enjoy.

"Yes Naruto?"
"Why can't I do anything right? I mean, I'm the only one in the academy that's failed the graduation exam two times​ already. I can't even make a simple clone, my chakra control really sucks and we've tried so hard to fix it but...I still can't do anything."
The older man looked over to the small boy that had been trying chakra control exercises for the past hour. You could see the frustration in his face but the determination in his eyes. In all actuality he had never known a child so young with so much chakra, he didn't know how to help Naruto and it hurt him. The kindest child in all of Konoha that loves everyone yet is loved by so few needs help, and he doesn't know what to do.
"How bout we work on the written part. If you score high enough, that plus your weapons scores which seem to always be perfect; you may be able to pass, but just barely." He said grabbing a few scrolls and books walking over to the blonde.
"Okay sensei. I really hope I pass this time." He said looking towards the sun as it set behind the monument.
"I know you will Naruto, remember you're gonna be Hokage someday so you have to pass." Iruka said hugging the blonde close to him.
"Thank you...thank you Iruka-sensei."
The two went over techniques and different studies until the blonde was too tired to even brush his own teeth.
"Soon Naruto, you'll do amazing things." A voice whispered in the night as it watched the man and child.

  Graduation Exam Day
"Good morning everyone, I know that you'll all do well on the exam today. Now lets start shall we..." Iruka said calling out the first name.
"yeah, shika?"
"Stop worrying would you. Everything will be fine, you'll pass and be one step closer to your dream." the lazy Nara said having just finished the​ exam.
  Naruto smiled at his friend but his nerves were getting the better of him.
  "Naruto Uzumaki..." A sliver haired man around Iruka's age called out.
  Naruto left the classroom full of students had either taken or were waiting to take the exam and walked into another one. Inside was only Iruka and the silver haired guy that had called Naruto's​ name.
  "Okay Naruto, for your exam you will need to produce three clones and sustain them for at least 10 seconds."
  Geez why that one, I suck at this jutsu. Guess I won't be passing.
  "Bunshin no jutsu!" He yelled and a poof could be heard.
  The two senseis waited for the smoke to clear only to be disappointed. Naruto had only produced one clone that came out almost...melted.
  "I'm sorry Naruto...but you fail." Iruka said through clenched teeth.
  "Come on Iruka, let the kid pass. He produced one clone, it's his third time taking the exam and...he's improved a lot." The silver haired chunnin argued.
  "Sorry Mizuki, all the other students produced at least three functioning clones while Naruto...he couldn't even produce one functioning clone." Iruka said.
  Naruto quickly left the room and headed to the monuments to cool down. He arrived back to the school to learn he had been the only student to not pass.
"Congratulations sweetie...My granddaughter's a ninja...I knew you could do it..." All around him family and friends congratulated graduates as he sat alone on a swing.
  "Hey it's that kid...did ya hear he's the only one that didn't pass...thank goodness...imagine if someone like him became a ninja...shhh we can't talk about it..."   
He looked up to see Mizuki standing next to him.
  "Don't be mad at Iruka he doesn't mean to be harsh on you..."
  "Than why just me..."
"Because he sees himself in you. You're a lot alike, and he wants you to be better than him so he pushed you harder than anyone else because...he knows you're meant to be more than a normal ninja."
  "I just wish I could have graduated, I really wanted to this time."
  "Listen...I know another way for you to graduate..."
The two disappeared to discuss this new way for Naruto to graduate.
  *Later than evening*
  "It's 11 at night Mizuki, what's wrong?" A tired Iruka asked.
  "It's Naruto...he's stolen the sacred scroll!"
  "WHAT!...This is Naruto we're talking about, there's no way he could get it. I'll join the search for him." Iruka said running after Mizuki to the tower after quickly changing.
  "Naruto must be brought back by any means necessary. Use force if you must but he must be brought back alive."The Hokage said dismissing the group of ninja that had gathered to find the young blonde.
  *In the forest*
"What's so great about this stupid scroll anyways?" Naruto asked as he opened it.
  "Shadow clones!? Why does it have to be a clone jutsu." The young blonde cried as he began reading the jutsu, hoping it would help him achieve his goal.
"Naruto! There you are..." Iruka yelled after stumbling upon the blonde lounging against a tree.
  His clothes were charred in a few places and he was visibly tired.
  Has he been practicing?
"Naruto what have you been doing?"
"Ha...I finally found you sensei..."the blonde huffed out trying to stand.
  "I'm gonna use this new jutsu and you'll let me pass right!"
  "Naruto what do you do you know about this place?" Iruka asked a bit worried.
  "Huh...oh, Mizuki sensei told me that if I brought the scroll here and learned a jutsu you'd let me pass." He replied as a few kunai flew from a bush.
  Iruka stopped them from hitting Naruto pushing the blonde to the ground and getting a few scrapes in the process.
  "Run Naruto don't let him have the scroll!"
  "Huh...what...what's going on?"
"Give me the scroll Naruto..."
  "No Naruto...Run don't let him have it just Run Naruto!"
"He's lying to you Naruto, the whole village has been lying to you. But...I'll tell you the truth if you give me the scroll..."
  "What do you mean..."
"Don't listen Naruto...never listen."
  "Haven't you even wondered why they stare, why they all HATE YOU!"Mizuki said.
  It's the same look as all the others, what does it mean. Why do they give me those eyes.
  "You see it don't you? The look, in my eyes. It's hate Naruto!...Do you know why it's there?"
  The blonde shook with fear and clutched the scroll tighter.
  "You can't MIZUKI! IT'S FORBIDDEN!".
  "What is, what's forbidden?"
  "You remember that night when the demon fox attacked. Well the village had to seal it away, they his the demon in a child but now that child he... HE'S YOU NARUTO YOU'RE THE DEMON FOX. YOU DESTROYED THIS VILLAGE AND KILLED IRUKA'S PARENTS. YOU'RE A MONSTER!"
The blonde to shocked for words never noticed Mizuki thrown a large shuriken at him. He only felt the blood from his teacher and friend as he use his own body to protect him.
  "W-why?" Asked the scared blonde.
"Because he's wrong Naruto, you're not the're one of my precious people and we fight to protect them." He gasped out.
  Not knowing what to do Naruto ran.
Mizuki took after him followed by Iruka. Naruto watched the scene unfold from behind a tree.
  "Naruto give me the scroll!" Iruka yelled only to be hit with a kunai.
  "How'd you know I wasn't Iruka?"
"Simple...because I'm Iruka." Naruto replied poofing and changing form.
  "Why? Why protect a demon. Why protect a heartless monster, an outcast. Some one who killed your parents and destroyed our village. Why protect him..."
  "You're right, there's no need to protect a monster..."
  Naruto heard this and began to cry from behind the tree.
  "But I'm not protecting one...I'm protecting Konoha's number one knuckleheaded unpredictable ninja, Naruto Uzumaki. He's not a monster and he's worth dying for to protect." Iruka said proudly.
  "You know I was gonna wait to kill you but you just won't stop getting in the way..." Mizuki yelled aiming to kill Iruka.
"I won't let you hurt him...ILL NEVER LET YOU HURT HIM!"
  "So the demon wants to play."
"I'll end you right here...right now!" Naruto said gathering chakra.
  "Prove it, failure!"
"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Smoked filled the area and cleared to reveal around 50 narutos ready to protect Iruka and the village.
  The clones made quick work of the traitor and Naruto returned to his sensei.
  "Do you really mean those words?" Naruto asked.
  "Yes Naruto, you're not a demon. You are my most precious person and I would die to protect you. Now...close your eyes Naruto I have something for you."
  Naruto did as he was told and waited a bit frustrated to open his eyes.
  "Okay Naruto you can open them."
The blonde opened his eyes to see a smiling Iruka and immediately noticed the missing headband.
  "Congratulations Naruto, you pass!"
The excited blonde tackled his sensei playfully and smiled.
  They never noticed the ninja that had gathered to take them back and arrest Mizuki. They never noticed the small smiles each of them wore at seeing the blonde and teacher or the amazed looks at seeing just what the young Genin was capable of. Barely even graduated and people were starting to notice just how special of a kid he really was.

   So early slash late upload. Ira's father's day weekend and I made this chapter a bit longer since I'll be out of town today, which means NO WIFI.
  I'll upload on father's day since I'll be back home by then.
  Until next time, bye 🙋🙋🙋

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