Do I Know You?

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Hey guys and gals, welcome back to the next chapter of You're Not Alone.
Been working on this chapter for two days since I couldn't fully post it until today. Hope you enjoy and if you have any short story request, character ideas, advice, or want me to read one of your stories don't hesitate to ask.

*Team assignment day*
"Naruto, I'm leaving now. You have a few more hours to get ready so I'll set the alarm. I'm so proud of you, I'll see you later." Iruka said to the sleeping form of a blonde as he left his apartment.
"So...are you okay with me being his Jounin-sensei?" A voice asked as he closed the door.
He turned to a silver haired man a few years older than him. His hair defied gravity and one eye was covered by his headband, a mask covering most of his face.
"Hello Kakashi...haven't seen you in ages. I don't mind, as long as you NEVER hurt him or put him harm's way. I know you watched him when he was younger and I just hope you'll do a better job than you did than." Iruka said as he continued his walk to the academy.
"I can't make that promise, but I can promise to do my best." He said before leaving Iruka to walk alone.

Iruka watched as all the kids began to walk into the classroom. Each wearing a smile as they showed off their headbands
Just wait til they see Naruto walk in.
"Hey Naruto what are you doing here, only graduates were supposed to show up today. What, did you wanna make yourself feel even worse about being the only person not to graduate." Kiba yelled from the back when Naruto walked in.
"Hey idiot dog boy! Do ya see this thing on my head, it's a Konoha headband which means I did graduate." Naruto said before sitting next to Shikamaru who had fallen asleep.
"How'd a Deadlast loser like you pass, we all know you were the only one that failed the exam so how can you be here!?" Kiba yelled back.
"Enough Kiba! I have to call out your team assignments." Iruka interrupted.
"Team 10: Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akamichi, Ino Yamanaka. Team 9: Tenten, Rock Lee, Neji. Hyuuga. Team 8: Hinata Hyuuga, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka. Team 7: Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha...." Iruka continued naming teams while the rookie nine considered their teammates.
"Don't get in my way Dobe!" Sasuke muttered.
"Yeah, Naruto don't get in our way! You're so cool Sasuke-kun." Sakura said siding with her fangirl crush.
Naruto sighed as he remembered those days...
"Hello Naruto-kun."
"Hello Anbu-san, is Dog with you?" Asked the young blonde.
" I'm sorry. I'm Raven and I was wondering if you wanted to have a playdate. I know a little boy your age that wants to make new friends. So...will you let me introduce him to you Dog-san can come too." Raven said watching him think through the situation.
"O-okay...will...will he like me?"
"Yes Naruto-kun, I think he will."
Fast forward two days
"Dog?" Asked the young blonde as the two sat in a tree.
" you think he'll like me?"
Dog eyes the blonde saddened that he thought Raven's brother wouldn't like him. He could see the fear of rejection in the blonde's eyes and it hurt to him worried.
"Of course he will, it's hard not to like you." Dog said patting the blonde's head.
"H-hello?" Asked a small dark haired boy with wide black eyes.
Dog nudged Naruto out of the tree and not so gracefully landed face first on the ground.
"Hi! I'm...I'm Naruto." He yelped pushing himself up off the ground.
The raven haired boy giggled and smiled as he put his hand out.
"Hi, I'm S-sasuke." He said.
The two spent the rest of that day playing in the river and chasing one another. Dog and Raven watched as the two built a relationship almost brothers in everything but blood. Over time the two started training together, Raven would show Sasuke a technique and he and Naruto would spend hours practicing. They were inseparable until...
"Naruto can I have a word with you?" Dog said as he approached the boy that sat waiting for Sasuke to come.
"Where's Sasuke? He should be here shouldn't he?" Was the blonde's reply.
"Sasuke-kun isn't coming today, he won't be coming for awhile. He lost his family...and he's just sad and tired. He's okay be he just needs to rest." Dog said as the blonde started shaking.
"It's my fault..." Naruto whispered causing Dog to inhale sharply at such a thought.
"Why would you think that Naruto?"
"He made friends with monster...the people hurt me, maybe they hurt my friends." Was all he said.
"It wasn't your fault Naruto, it was someone else, someone not from the village." Dog said kneeling next to the boy.
Naruto left Dog and headed for Sasuke's home only to find it taped off. He went to the hokage's office where he found the boy sitting on the couch.
"S-sasuke?" Naruto whispered walking up to his friend.
Naruto never learned what happened that day but Sasuke grew to hate everyone and everything, including him. It hurt...but he promised he'd stay by Sasuke's side, even if he hated him.

End Flashback
"Okay everyone once again congratulations, you're to stay here and wait for your new senseis. Good luck." Iruka said leaving the room.
It had been two hours and only team 7 remained.
"What kind of Jounin-sensei is two hours late?" Sakura said in frustration.
Naruto stood up and grabbed the chalkboard eraser walked over to the door.
"Naruto what are you doing?" Sakura asked.
"What does it look like, I'm playing a prank on our sensei." He replied.
While to the others it looked like he was just placing the eraser to fall, Naruto actually infused a small about of chakra into the eraser that allowed him to control the weight of the eraser.
"He's a jounin, he won't fall for some stupid prank!" Sakura yelled.
"Whatever..." Naruto said walking to sit back down.
The three waited for about 30 more minutes before the door was pushed open and the eraser fell into a silver patch of spiked hair. Three sets of eyes took in the laid-back appearance of the man that entered the room. His hair seemed to defy gravity and one eye was covered by his forehead protector.
What kind of sensei falls for something as simple as that?
He...seems familiar.
"How do I say this...first impression...I hate all of you. Meet me on the roof." He said before disappearing.
"Naruto hurry up." Sakura said running after Sasuke.
On the roof.
"Okay...introductions who wants to go first?" Asked the silver haired man.
" do we introduce ourselves?" Asked Sakura.
" about your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and future dream." He replied with disinterest.
"You should go first so we see how it's done."
"Yeah you seem kinda... suspicious."
"Well okay...I am your jounin instructor Kakashi Hatake, I don't have many likes or dislikes. I have a few hobbies, and I don't wish to tell you my dream." He said seriously.
He basically...
Only told us...
His name...
"Okay you first pinkie!"
"My name is Sakura likes...well the person I like is...what I like to do is...*squeal*..."
"Naruto! And my dream for the future is...*squeak* ..."
All three boys felt like puking.
"Okay blonde!"
"OKAY! My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like Ramen especially the ramen from Ichiraku's, Iruka-sensei, and my friends. I guess I really hate the 5 minutes it takes for cup ramen to cook and cool and people who are mean to others for no reason. My dream is to become Hokage and surpass all the Hokages before me, then everyone will notice me and respect me!" Naruto said his eyes shining.
"Nice dream you emo one!"
"My Sasuke Uchiha I don't particularly like anything and I hate most people. My dream is not a dream because I will make it a reality and that is to restore my clan and kill a certain someone."
Kakashi observed the scene before him, three VERY unique individuals that don't seem cohesive at first glance.
"Um...well your training starts tomorrow and I suggest you don't eat breakfast unless you feel like puking. Meet me at training ground 7 at 6 am for your training." He said before leaving.
The three had departed from the roof, Naruto trailing their new sensei trying his hardest to hid his chakra. Upon ending up in an alley Kakashi poofed into a log.
"Can I help you Naruto?" A voice said from behind the confused blonde.
"Ah...Do-do I know you?" He asked, blue cerulean eyes studying the jounin.
Naruto noticed Kakashi visibly tense before relaxing.
"You may have seen me around, I am a villager of course. Maybe we met when you were little." He replied not noticing Naruto start to shake as the worst images flashed through his mind.
Could he have been one of them? Maybe he was, does he hate me like them?
"Naruto?" Kakashi said after noticing his shaking pupil.
He reached out and didn't miss the way Naruto flinched and backed away out of fear.
"I-I'll s-see you tomorrow sensei..." He said before running away from Kakashi whether in fear of shock or memories he wasn't sure but he ran.
Is he scared of me?
Did I do something?

Yay chapter is done and I like it. Thinking of making a cute chapter in honor of yesterday being father's day while I finish the outline for the next story chapter.
Hope ya enjoyed and until next time bye 🙋🙋🙋.

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