The Training Incident

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Hey everyone so obviously these updates no longer have a schedule mainly because I can't control my brain. I don't want to rush out a crappy chapter I want to take my time and make something worth reading. Hope y'all understand anyway here's the next chapter, enjoy.

Third POV
The sun was beginning to peak over the heads of the Hokage's, most of the village still sleeping. Except for the newest members of the ninja world and their families as they struggled to wake the young genins from their slumber.
Yet amongst the waking youth one slept on as a figure walked towards his home.
"Ruka, you can't keep babying him. If he didn't set an alarm then he should take punishment, you can't be his alarm every morning he's not with us." A voice said as another figure joined the first.
"I know Genma, but he's well...he's a son to me and as a parent I have to take care of him. I want to keep him safe. So if it means waking up early to make sure he's on time to team meetings, so be it." The other figure replied.
The village streets slowly came to life with the occasional genin walking to their training fields for today.
In a run down apartment one genin slept on, oblivious to the outside world. A figure was walking about the small apartment room slowly cleaning as to not wake the sleeping genin. The sound of the door opening caught the figures attention.
"K-kakashi! What are you doing here!" A voice asked in surprise.
"Ah, well...I set Naruto's alarm for a bit later than needed and realized my mistake. I came to wake him and noticed the state of this place so I began cleaning. I was about to wake him." Kakashi replied sheepishly rubbing his neck.
"No need, that's what I'm here for." Iruka replied as he made his way to the sleeping genin's room.
"Naruto if you don't wake up now you'll be late to your team meeting." Iruka said shaking the sleeping blonde.
Kakashi and Genma watch as the blonde sat up rubbing sleepy curlean eyes as he yawned.
"Morning Ruka." He said sliding out of bed.
Kakashi hastily left as to not be seen by the blonde.
Naruto paused in the doorway by Genma his eyes dazed as memories flooded his mind.
That scent...was Anbu-san here?
"Naruto, you okay?" Genma said tapping the blonde's shoulder.
"Huh! Oh...YEAH I'M FINE...was there someone else here Genma-san?" He asked his eyes focused on the door.
"Just Iruka and me" Genma lied to the blonde.
They watched as Naruto nodded, before changing and grabbing an apple then he was out the door.
"He has to know...this is the second time he's recognized Kakashi having been here even if he doesn't know that's who Kakashi really is." Iruka sighed as he gathered Naruto's dirty clothing.
"I do hope he tells Naruto soon, if he doesn't it will break him." Iruka said as strong arms wrapped around his waist as a comfort.
"Everything will be fine Ruka, you'll see."

"BAKA YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screamed as she punched her blonde teammate.
"Ow!...S-sorry Sakura-chan I got stopped by a few villagers this morning that wanted to talk to me." He replied as he did his best to hid the blood that covered his arms.
The cuts had healed but a few still burned from the glass the villagers threw at him. He sighed before sitting by a tree nodding at his brooding teammate.
"Hn." Sasuke said as a acknowledgement that the blonde had arrived.
Naruto began to meditate like Iruka had taught him, he often did it to calm down when he was upset. He felt eyes staring at him and looked up to see Sasuke watching him.
"Dobe what are you doing?" Sasuke asked.
"What does it look like Teme, I'm meditating." He said.
"HOW DARE YOU CALLED SASUKE-KUN A TEME! YOU...BAKA!" They both flinched at the sound of Sakura's yelling but before she could hit her blonde teammate again a cloud of smoke appeared...
"Yo." Was all the heard.
"YOU'RE LATE!" two voices yelled simultaneously and a soft Hn could be heard in the background.
"Well you see I had to help a small fox clean his home this morning. Then fight off his parents when they deemed me unwelcome."
His three charges looked lost as their sensei's explanation for being late.
"So sensei what will we be doing today."
"I was thinking we work on taijutsu, you three will spar with one another so I can see your strengths and weaknesses. Plus it will help you see ways to fight together in missions. Today I will be working with each of you..." He said before two more Kakashi's appear next to him.
"Team sparring will come later after I've assessed your current skills."
  He watched his teammates reactions at the clones. Sasuke looked unimpressed Sakura looked intrigued and Naruto seemed lost in thought.
   Hmm maybe I should send a clone with Naruto, he seems to be recognizing me.
  "Well let's begin. You know what to do, Sasuke you come with me." Kakashi said walking away with the Uchiha.
  Sakura simply stared after Sasuke ignoring her sensei's clone. Naruto on the other hand studied Kakashi's clone.
  "Um...Naruto let's head this way to practice."
  The blonde nodded and followed his sensei's clone without argument. They ended up in a small clearing and Kakashi watched as Naruto sat down and began to meditate.
  "What's troubling you Naruto?"
"Nothing sensei, so are we gonna start training. I CAN'T LET THAT BASTARD UCHIHA BEAT ME!" he yelled jumping up.
  Kakashi sighed as he realized the blonde wouldn't tell him the truth. He took up his stance and began sparring. The blonde did rather well at the beginning, his stance was wrong and most of his techniques were brutish but he seemed to do well.
After twenty minutes of sparring Kakashi's clone seemed to learn everything it needed in order to help the blonde improve.
  "Naruto, let's take a break. I wanted to know what you think of your team?" Kakashi said as the blonde stood panting by a tree.
The blonde sat down closing his eyes in thought, the sight was peaceful. His breathing has slowed and when he opened his eyes again Kakashi seemed lost.
  His usually bright eyes seem a bit dull.
  "What exactly do you want to know, sensei?" Naruto asked as the clone of his sensei sat across from him.
  "Well, what do you think of Sakura. As a shinobi, teammate, friend. Do you trust her with your life?"
  The blonde sat in thought for a few minutes before looking into Kakashi's eyes.
  "She's smart, top kunoichi. She doesn't like me much...but I'd put my life on the line to save both her and that Uchiha bastard. In all honesty I think she'd save Sasuke before noticing I existed. She's not strong outside of bookwork so she's kinda useless in a do or die situation." Naruto replied looking away from Kakashi.
  "And Sasuke?"
"That bastard...I know he lost his family but that doesn't mean he can act like he's better than everyone. He'll get himself and us killed in his search for power. I think he'd be the one to kill me before an enemy."
  To say Kakashi was shocked was an understatement, no he was baffled. The words that came out of Naruto's mouth were unexpected.
  "I know you probably think that my answer is odd, but...I'm very perceptive of those I love. I need to know their strengths and weaknesses so I can protect them. I'm gonna be Hokage one day and it's my job to protect everyone in this village. So even if it seems out of character for me, just don't let anyone else know. Please." The blonde pleaded his eyes searching Kakashi's.
  "Naruto...why don't you want people to see this side of you?" Kakashi asked even though he knew the answer.
   "Well....the...the villagers don't like me very much, I don't know why. But it seems if I play the fool they pay me little attention, if I were to act as my 'true' self they'd probably hate me more than usual." The blonde replied his tone somber as he looked anywhere but Kakashi.
   "Sensei..." The blonde said after a few minutes of silence.
  "Ma Naruto what is it?"
"Do you think I can be Hokage?" The blonde asked his eyes searching the clones face.
" Kakashi?"
"What do you want Obito?"
  "I just...I know you don't like me much but I wanted to know. Do you think I'd make a good hokage, that with time I'd be able to protect everyone in this village and the future generations as well?"
  Kakashi stared at his teammate a loss for words at the brunette's question.
  " all honesty Obito...yes...
End flashback
  "I think only time will tell. Your heart is like one of any previous hokage but your strength and mind aren't ready."
  The blonde nodded in understanding before getting to his feet.
  "We should probably head back so we can focus on team sparring."
  The clone sighed and watched as Naruto walked bumping into a tree and hissing as he grabbed his arm in pain.
  "Naruto are you alright?"
"'s nothing sensei really." Naruto replied hurriedly running back to the main clearing to meet his teammates.
  The clone of Kakashi dispelled and the things seen and learned were sent to the original Kakashi that currently sat watching Sasuke punch a tree.
  "Sasuke let's head back so we can try team sparring."
Upon arriving to the clearing Kakashi noticed a winded Sakura and a pondering Naruto. From what was gathered from his second clone he didn't fight much with Sakura but her chakra reserves were almost nonexistent.
  "Naruto, Sasuke you two will spar first. Rules...only taijutsu, no low blows or attempts to kill. Your weapons are allowed."
  The young Genin stood opposite one another in two different stances, Sasuke's was more graceful than Naruto's but his strikes weren't as strong as those his clone received from the blonde.
Sakura and Kakashi watched as the two genin began their match.  Naruto's attacks were relentless but Sasuke repelled every blow and got in a few punches himself. Sasuke delivered a blow that sent Naruto crashing into a tree and the blonde's form fell motionless to the ground.
  "Hn...that Dobe I'd weak compared to me. He's useless Kakashi let me fight you at full strength." Sasuke said
  "Oh... Sasuke-kun is so cool and strong. That Naruto Baka didn't stand a chance." Sakura cheered.
  "Hey Teme I'm not done yet!" They turned to watch the blonde struggle to his feet a strange aura emitting from him, his eyes red and the whiskered marking he possessed turning darker.
  "Hn you and your stupid dream of becoming hokage. Please a weakling like you and that stupid title would destroy the village." Sasuke spat at his teammate.
  Now on all fours Naruto charged his teammate landing a surprising blow that sent Sasuke into a nearby stump and cause blood to trickle from his mouth.
  With new found anger Sasuke formed a hand seal as the blonde charged to attack again.
The Uchiha yelled as Naruto's eyes regained their blue colour and his burst of energy began to fade.
  "NARUTO!" Kakashi yelled charging towards the blonde to get him away from the fire.
  "AHHHHH!" a high pitched scream of pain filled the training ground and all three other members of team 7 watched as the blonde's skin was locked by the flames.
  The jutsu withered and Sasuke collapsed as he took in the sight of what he had done as the blonde lay in the pain.
  "I'm sorry Teme...please don't hurt me again...I'm sorry!" Naruto whispered before he went still and his breathing stopped.

hey everyone I know I know this took way to long to get out. But I've been cleaning, packing, and getting ready for my second year at TXST. I move to my new apartment on Friday. I also wanted to wish all of yall luck with the new school year and if you need any advice about entering a new year or new school message me because I've been there and it's scary but, you'll find your place so don't worry.
  Until next time bye 🙋🙋🙋

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