I forgive You

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Gomen everyone, college is back in session and ya girl is a sophomore. One step closer to earning my degree in teaching/mathematics. I'll also be starting the journal series as well first chapter will be out soon or by the time this is out will already have been up. Anyway here's the next chapter, I'd love some ideas if y'all got'em.

The figure of a small blonde could be seen looking out from the roof of the hospital. It had been three days since the accident and while not fully healed Naruto could now walk without much pain. He only had three visitors during his stay at the hospital. Iruka, Genma, and Sarutobi, his team had yet to visit since Naruto had woken up.
"Naruto!..." A voice yelled from behind the blonde.
"H-hi, Ruka...um...I wasn't training or anything...I was just thinking, I promise." The blonde quickly muttered.
"Naruto...you should have let the Anbu know you were leaving. They never sensed your presence being away from the room. I was worried..." Iruka said as he wrapped his arms around the blonde.
"C'mon, Genma is waiting for us and um...so is Ibiki." Iruka said his voice full of worry.
"Ibiki-nii, is here!?" Naruto gasped before racing past Iruka down the stairs to his hospital room.
Naruto heard the chatter of voices beyond his door,
"That damn brat had the whole of Anbu worried. Running off without giving hint to where he was going. Naruto may not even know he's capable of hiding his chakra, he may not even be the one doing it. What...what if this is the..." ..."NARUTO!"
A voice yelled stoping the voices from continuing their conversation that left the blonde with quite a few questions. Naruto hesitantly opened his door and his eyes widened when he saw the people in front of him. Ibiki stood in a corner silently arguing with his sensei.
"K-kakashi-sensei?" The blonde whispered grabbing the sliver haired man's attention.
It was then that Naruto noticed the brooding Uchiha and smiling Haruno that sat on his bed.
"Um...H-Hi?" Naruto muttered walking towards Genma who stood by his bed.
All eyes were on the blonde before Ibiki stepped forward a barely noticeable smile on his face. Naruto looked over at him silently asking for permission and upon seeing the slight nod smiled before running.
"IBIKI-NII!" the blonde yelled rushing for the ninja.
"Hello Naru, it's been awhile. Have you been staying with Iruka like you promised, and staying out of trouble?"
"He stays with us sometimes as for out of trouble...that's a no." Genma replied wrapping his arms around the brunette that walked though the door. Sasuke and Sakura looked on with slight disgust at the sight.
"How many more days are you stuck here. I want a sparring partner brat, and you're the only one that tires me out." Ibiki said lifting the blonde onto his shoulders.
Naruto's smile increased as he let out a small laugh. Sakura and Sasuke looked on in disbelief at the sight before then. Their blonde teammate was smiling and laughing with one of the most feared ninjas in Konoha. They also noticed just how small their teammate was.
"He's here for a couple more days and he should be ready for training but NO MISSION'S." All faces turned to see Konaka-san standing in the doorway.
Ibiki set Naruto down before taking his leave, promising to spar with the young blonde upon his hospital release. Iruka and Genma left as well promising to visit Naruto tomorrow and bring along Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon. All that was left was team seven after Konaka-san had left.
"Hi..." Naruto said keeping his eyes off his teammates.
This...this is the first time they've come to see me. Where...why now?
"Hi...hi Naruto." Sakura said catching the blonde's attention.
"Hi, Sakura." Naruto said his smile not quit reaching his eyes like usual.
"Um... Kakashi...Sakura...do you mind if I talk to Naruto for a second." Sasuke asked, a bit weird coming from him.
Kakashi nodded as he guided Sakura out of the room saying they would grab something to eat and head back.
"Teme." Naruto replied not meeting Sasuke's eyes.
"UGH...This was YOUR fault Dobe...you...I didn't mean...I never wanted to..." Naruto stared on in wonder at the sight before him.
Before Sasuke could register what was happening he was enveloped in warmth. His thundering heart calming to the rhythm of his teammate's. His tears streaming but his breaths now less chopped.
"I...I'm sorry...Dobe." he whispered into the crook of the blonde's neck.
"I forgive you."
Naruto gently walked over to the window and sat on the sill, his teammate leaning next to him, tears silently falling. The Anbu stationed to watch the blonde looked on in fascination. They couldn't fathom how it was that this child, hated by so many for something he can't control had so much love and care to give. His smile could brighten a room even when his eyes were crying for help, he could forgive and always take the blame for others. They had watched him vow before their hokage that he would protect this village and its people even if it meant dying. For someone that was so young he knew pain that not many jounin ninja knew, he was Konoha's number one unpredictable knuckleheaded ninja.
"Snake...it appears the genin have fallen asleep. Should we move them to the bed?" A voice asked as its owner peered through the window.
"I guess, bear." Another voice replied as two figure landed softly inside the room.
The two sleeping forms were placed onto the blonde's bed the Uchiha snuggling closer to Naruto. The anbu smiled in fascination at the sight of the young revenge fueled Uchiha cuddled up to the one he apparently hated most.

"Yes Sakura?"
"Why did most of the villagers seem to be happy when they heard that...that Naruto was in the hospital?" The pink-haired kunoichi asked as they entered the ramen stand.
"We'll talk later, for now let's grab Naruto some ramen. I know he hasn't had any since he was put in the hospital."
"Did you say Naruto?" A voice called from inside the hut.
"Hello Ayame, Teuchi-san. We came to get some ramen for Naruto since he's gotten a bit better he's soon to get out. Um...you wouldn't happen to remember what kind of ramen he eats would you?" Sakura asked.
"Of course!" Ayame said heading to the back to grab more noodles.
15 minutes later Ayame and Teuchi-san had prepared 10 bowls of ramen, 7 of which were for Naruto.
"Um...how much for the ramen?" Kakashi asked his voice wavering.
"Don't worry about it. Just take care of Naruto." Teuchi said a smile on his face.
Kakashi and Sakura nodded in thanks before turning to leave.
"Kakashi my good friend where are you going!?" A voice yelled upon their exit.
A man dressed in green and orange stood with a smaller copy by his side. Both possessing rather ...um... let's just say impressive eyebrows.
"Oh...hello Gai, we were just on our way to see Naruto."
"SAKURA! PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!" the young carbon copy yelled, fire burning in his eyes.
"Um..." Sakura looked towards Kakashi for help.
He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and using his chakra managed to use a replacement Justu on the both of them. Soon they stood outside Naruto's room and both were concerned when neither heard sounds coming from inside.
"Y-you don't think they knocked one another unconscious do you...sensei?" Sakura asked as they opened the door.
Both were shocked to see the brunette and blonde asleep on the hospital bed. The closest they had ever been without killing each other, both holding small smiles on their faces.
"We'll come back later Sakura...". Kakashi said as he noticed the small smile on his female charge's face.
Hmm...maybe, just maybe...team 7 could be a family for those two.

Like I mentioned my writing will be slow but it will be there. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll also be updating some of my other stories as well. So look out for those too, I love everyone of y'all and thanks for the support on this story. First one of its kind on my page and the response just makes me so happy.
I literally woke up crying the other day at a comment someone left, that just made me so happy. Thank y'all for everything.

Untill next time, bye 🙋🙋🙋

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