First Family

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  Hello everyone, here's that Thanksgiving special I promised and I'm almost done with the next chapter. Should be up by Saturday night.

  *A 6 year old Naruto sat atop the Hokage mountain. The village streets were busy as people bought food for feasts. Children were laughing and playing as parents were shopping. Everyone seemed happy.*
"Maybe I could get a discount on food this year. Everyone will be buying, they'll probably be too busy to notice it's me." The young boy said happily, jumping from the monument to make his way to the streets.
  "HOW DARE YOU! WHY MUST YOU RUIN OUR HAPPINESS!" a woman screamed, clutching her daughter when she saw Naruto.
   "I-I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't hurt you or anything when I ran by did I?" Naruto asked taking a step towards the two women.
"Leave those girls alone. DEMON!" A man yelled slapping Naruto across the face.
  "I'm sorry, I...please don't..." Naruto whimpered as he felt hands grab him from behind.
  "You piece of shit! Why can't you let us be happy for one day!" A voice yelled before Naruto was thrown against a wall.
  "How bout we make our own happiness, with this pathetic excuse of life is here?" A voice said.
  "Please...NO!" Naruto yelled, trying to run.
  Two sets of hands immediately grabbed him forcing him back. Cloth was forced around his eyes and in his mouth. His shirt was ripped and a burning sensation began to emerge as something sharp, and cold was dragged along the boy's stomach.
  Tears fell down his face staining  the cloth as he fought to scream against the gag in his mouth. He heard, more than felt his arm breaking, as it was snapped backwards and fell limp to his side. He felt flames lick his skin as someone burned the word demon onto his chest. The gag was suddenly ripped from his mouth and a liquid was forced down.
  "Let's see you fight this poison, DIE DEMON SCUM!" A woman screeched as the hands let go of Naruto, his body falling to the ground with a thud.
  They continued to beat him, kicking him as he lay motionless. His body burned, but he could no longer feel the kicks and punches as the villagers continued to have their fun.
  "What do we have here?" A familiar voice said.
  The beating paused as the villagers turned to the newcomer.
  "Mind your own damn business, Anbu brat!" A man yelled throwing a bottle at the newcomer.
  He fell a few seconds later, his life gone.
  "I suggest you leave the child alone, most of you have already broken the decree. I believe the punishment for such a thing is...DEATH." the Anbu said, causing the villagers to scramble.
  "You and snake track down the villagers that just left. I want them all exposed of properly."
"Naruto...are you okay?" A voice said as footsteps grew closer to the blond.
  The blindfold was removed and tears fell from curlean eyes. Blood dripped from semi-healed wounds and skin was red where the fires had touched.
  "Please... I'm sorry... don't...don't hurt me." The blond muttered before losing consciousness.
Anbu POV
"I was late...again. I'm so sorry Naru." The Anbu said carefully lifting the child into his arms.
  He heard the child whimper and quickly made his way to Anbu headquarters.
His voice echoed and a woman quickly appeared by his side.
  "Sir, is something wrong. Are you injured?" She said, worry lading her voice.
  "I'm fine. Please take care of Naruto, I must speak to the Hokage." He said handing the unconscious child over.
  She nodded and quickly disappeared to heal the boy. The other Anbu long gone, now walking towards the office of his leader.
  "Enter!" A voice said.
"Ah...Inu, how may I help you?"
"It's Naruto, he was attacked once again by the villagers. I have Raven tending to him but I'm not sure if she will be able to combat the poison a woman forced down his throat. That will depend on the abilities he has from the nine-tails. Crow and Snake have taken care of the villagers, some disposed of, others tortured for other misdoings. I apologize that I didn't stop them sooner!" The Anbu captain said, anger behind his words.
  "Calm yourself, for some reason this child is the only one that ever elicits emotions from you. He will be fine, I know this. I have a request of you and your most trusted members that feel towards Naruto as you do. I wish for you to celebrate with him today, I know he's always wanted to experience this day. I shall supply money of course for all of your expenses, but for today offer him a family with which to celebrate with." The Hokage said, a sad smile on his lips.
  "Sir." The Anbu nodded in understanding.
  Sending two subordinates to gather supplies from the market the Anbu returned to check on Naruto, only to find him running after a summons. One of his summons to be exact.
  "Pakkun, I don't remember summoning you. What are you doing here?"
  "Watching over the pup." Was the dog's reply.
   The 'pup' in question had stopped running and was watching the exchange.
  "ANBU-SAN!" the blond yelled happily, running up to the Anbu.
  "Hello Naruto, I see that you're feeling better."
  "Yes, Raven-nee made me all better." He said smiling at the women that stood watching from the door.
  With a nod to her captain she left.
"Would you like to stay for today, my friends and I are having a party tonight. Would you like to stay and celebrate with us?" Inu asked.
  "Why...demons don't usually get invited to parties." The blond muttered.
"Good thing I'm not asking a demon, I'm asking Naruto...
So will you stay?" The Anbu asked.
  He was suddenly tackled to the ground by a smiling and crying blond. A small yes could be heard as arms wrapped around the older boy's neck.
  "Come on Naruto, let's go tell everyone hi. Then we can make dinner and celebrate you being okay." The Anbu said standing and taking the younger boy's hand.
  *Short timeskip of a cooking montage and setting the table*
  Blue met one onyx and smiles were shared. Laughs were heard and food was eaten as some of Konoha's strongest and most frightening ninja shared dinner with a six year old that had changed all their lives.
  Is this what it's like to have a have be loved?

  Yes is...

Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Day. Stuffed yourselves and had fun. The next chapter should be out by Saturday evening since I also have some homework for calculus and computer science to focus on before the story. Until next time bye 🙋🙋🙋.

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