Demon of the Mist (part 2)

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Hello everyone this chapter is out a day late and I'm sorry. One of my brothers came into town and we spent the day at my aunt's celebrating my cousin's birthdays. So it was a family day yesterday which mean I didn't have any WiFi until after 9pm last night thus no way to write and upload. BUT Here it is the next chapter, enjoy.

Naruto POV
   I can't see him...I can't see Sasuke or Sakura. Kura?
Breathe's fine. The Uchiha is standing to your right and the pink banshee is behind you guarding the old man. Your sensei is fine he's Infront of you just focus on staying safe.
  Okay, Kura. Thanks.
"8 points...liver...spine...heart..." A voice said it sounded like it was coming from all around us.
  Suddenly I felt a pressure around me, the fog began to clear as I saw Sasuke move his kunai towards his neck.
"Sasuke, don't worry. I won't let my comrades fall. I'll protect you, even if it means giving up my own life." Kakashi-sensei said his eyes trailing over each of us.
  "Are you so sure about that?" A voice called from behind Sasuke and I.
  I slowly turned to try and see Zabuza but a leg collided with my stomach before I could glimpse anything.
  KIT! Kit, this is gonna hurt but I'm gonna try to put some chakra between you and the tree you're about to slam into. It may sting still but you won't get any broken bones.
  Just do it Kura!

Kakashi POV

Where the hell did Zabuza go?
  I can't see anything through this damn fog...
  The fog began to clear and I could see Naruto's panicked gaze on Sasuke.  My heart nearly stopped...
My genin had never been exposed to killing intent as strong as Zabuza's. It was forcing Sasuke to try and commit suicide to react the feeling.
"Sasuke, don't worry. I won't let my comrades fall. I'll protect you even if it means giving up my own life." I said through gritted teeth a wave of relief flooding over me as he lowered the kunai.
  "Are you sure about that?" Zabuza's voice called out and my eyes widened as I took notice that he had gotten past me and to my genin.
  His left leg collided with Naruto's stomach sending him flying away from my team.
  "LEAVE THEM ALONE ZABUZA YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" I growled my eyes focused on the direction Naruto had went flying.
   I watched a wicked smile form on his face as he charged towards me. We met sword to kunai our eyes locked. Naruto had yet to return or even make a sound and worry was starting to creep into my thoughts.
  I met his gaze as we landed upon the water, our hands forming similar symbols as two water dragons met each other. I slashed at him feeling a sense of victory washed over me as I watched him fall. 
  "It's over..."
"Not so fast." His voice sounded from behind me, water now at my feet where he once lay. Using a quick substitute with a water clone of my own I once again possessed the upper hand. 
"Like I said, it's over..." I said panting.
  I used the sharingan too much, my chakra is low. I need to end this NOW!
A low chuckle broke my chain of thought.
  " you forget who I am and where you are... WATER STYLE: WATER PRISON JUTSU!" He yelled as I felt myself being encased in water.
Naruto POV
  "DAMMIT THAT HURT!" What's going on I need to get back.
  Kit hurry! It seems your sensei has been caught in a water prison. You and the Uchiha need to do something.
  Kakashi is trapped...
I took off running to my team. The first I noticed was Kakashi was indeed trapped in a water prison. Zabuza was smirking as Sasuke stood in front of Sakura and Tazuna.
  "RUN GET OUT OF HERE, YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM!" I heard sensei yell.
Leave? We can't leave him he even said those who leave there teammates are worse than scum. 
  "Bridge builder?" Sakura asked.
"This is my fault so I won't stop you from saving your sensei. As of right now your duty is to your sensei, NOT ME. Do what you must."
  That's all I needed to hear.
Listen kit I've got a plan to save your sensei. You and the Uchiha need to team up...
"Listen Sasuke I've got a plan but we need to do this together if we want to save sensei. Got it!"
He nodded in agreement before moving to stand next to me.
  "MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" I yelled four of my clones charged forward as a distraction as the other stood with Sasuke. I henged myself into his shuriken ready to attack and save Him.
  "SHURIKEN SHADOW CLONE!" Sasuke yelled as he hurled me past Zabuza.
  "Heh, you missed." Zabuza said, a dangerous gleam in his eyes.
  "I wasn't aiming for you..." Sasuke smirked as a poof sounded from behind Zabuza and Kakashi.
  "TAKE THIS YOU COW KING!" I yelled throwing a shuriken at Zabuza, which was enough to distract him and release the water prison.
Was the last thought that went through my mind as I approached the water. I felt the cold bite of the water as I landed. Using a bit of chakra I was blessed to hold to the top as long as the water stayed calm I should be okay.
Kakashi POV
They actually did it.
  I turned my attention back to Zabuza  our eyes meeting before hands began to move.
  We yelled simultaneously the water beneath rapidly shifting as our dragons came to life.
  I'm running low on charka, I've been using my sharingan for too long. I need to end this NOW!
  I moved to attack once more as we moved to land, before Zabuza slumped to the ground. A senbon needle protruding from his neck. I rushed forward checking for a pulse only to find none.
  "Thank you for locating Zabuza Momochi for me. I have been following him at the request of my village. Although it was only with your help in weakening him that I was able to capture him." A masked ninja spoke, kneeling before an unconscious Zabuza.
  "You're a hunter nin from, Kiri?" I asked although before he could answer the sound of coughing caught my attention.
  I turned to see Sasuke pulling a drowned Naruto from the water. His eyes were glazed but he was awake.
  SHIT...I really need to teach him to swim or at least water walking.
  "HEY... He's our enemy you can't just come in and lay claim!" He yelled.
  A smile came to my masked lips.
  He almost drowned AGAIN, was sent flying into a tree by one of the seven swordsmen and he's still as lively as ever.
  "I shall take my leave, ninja of Konoha. You won't have to worry about Zabuza attacking your group again." I nodded turning to my team as the two left.
  "Well now that that's done with let's head out." I told them.
  Shit...I used too much chakra I don't think I'll be able to make it back on my own.
  Third POV
A soft thud could be heard as the masked jounin collapsed.
  "SENSEI!" three voices yelled as the two boys ran forwards.
  "Let's take him to my home, it's not too far from here. You can all rest there until he's recovered his strength." Tazuna said as Naruto and Sasuke tried to carry their sensei.
  With a new game plan the four conscious and unconscious members of the traveling team set off to Tazuna's home. this is obviously out WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE but it's out. Also for those of you interested I made a Might Guy X Reader story or if you know anyone interested let them know about it. If y'all have any other stories y'all would like me to attempt writing let m know. I'm fond of most Naruto pairings, OHSHC pairings or inserts and most TV shows outside of anime or even YouTuber X readers or YT pairing. Let me know what y'all want or message me if y'all just want to talk.  Thanks for all the support y'all've given me and hope you enjoyed. Until next time, bye. 🙋🙋🙋

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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