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Hello there, currently adjusting to my life in my new apartment with some awesome friends. Would you guys like a journal type story where I right my random thoughts down from the day. It may now be as interesting as my other stories but it gets the creative thinking going. Anyway here's the next chapter, enjoy.

Why does it hurt?
Who's it me?
It's hot...why is it so hot?
I'm so tired...
I'm scared
"NARUTO!" Three voices yelled at once as their owners watched the blonde's figure blurred by flames. "WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU!" Kakashi yelled hoping that the water would stop the flames before they caused too much damage to the young blonde. After the flames died down the trio waited expectedly in hope that the blonde was okay. As the smoke cleared a small unmoving form lay curled on the ground. The only way to tell the figure was alive was by the whimpers that escaped its lips. Kakashi moved with a speed that surprised his other charges and yelled for Sakura to get a medic ninja while Sasuke was to report Naruto being injured to the Hokage. He watched as they ran faster then they ever had before then his focus shifted quickly back over to the form that lay before him. "I-t hurts...please make it stop hurting..." the blonde gasped out in a whisper. "'s going to be okay Naru....I promise it will be okay." Kakashi said using what little medical ninjutsu he knew to try and ease the blonde's pain. Kakashi watched in wonder as the blonde's skin began to quickly repair itself. The skin that was scorched slowly yet quickly trying to replenish itself around the small form. This must be the power of the fox demon. Kakashi mused to himself. "A...Anbu-san....?" Naruto muttered as he inched closer to the familiar presence.
Kakashi froze as Naruto called him by his old nickname. Memories of the battered blonde coming to his mind and the look of relief that would flood his face at the sight of the dog Anbu member. It pained him to see the blonde like this but he couldn't let him know that he really was that Anbu all those years ago. He didn't want Naruto to get hurt. While Kakashi would never admit it out loud he had developed feelings for the young blonde and he had hoped that separating himself from Naruto would make them go away. Yet, with Naruto being put into his team the feelings were slowly coming back even stronger than before.
"Hatake-san we've come to inspect the injured genin!"chirped a blonde medic-nin.
"Hss...let the child die. Why would you ask us to look after this...MONSTER!"yelled one of the medics pulling the blonde ninja away from Naruto.
"He is a shinobi of Konoha and will be treated as such unless you want to be tried for treason to the village." A voice boomed behind them.
"H-HOKAGE-SAMA!" The medic-nin stammered out before nodding and allowing her teammate to heal Naruto.
Naruto whimpered in pain and then sighed at the cooling touch of the healing chakra.
"Hatake-san if you would please carry Naruto to the hospital so we can monitor his recovery, it would be appreciated." The blonde medic said.
Hesitantly Kakashi picked up Naruto and set off on a careful pace to the hospital.
"I am sorry Hokage-sama, when Sakura arrived I turned to the nearest medic. I didn't realize she wasn't one of my team. Honestly if I hadn't been so worried for Naruto I wouldn't have made such a careless mistake." The blonde medic-nin said after her teammate took off.
Sarutobi regarded her with a kind smile and waved for her to follow him to the hospital to care for Naruto.
Upon arriving the two noticed a shaking Uchiha and a crying Haruno. Kakashi on the other hand looked like he has been through hell.
"I want him off of your team!" A voice boomed in the hall.
"It's obvious you can't keep him safe, this was training for kami's sake. HE SHOULDN'T BE LYING IN A HOSPITAL BED COVERED IN BURNS!" The two turned to find Genma hold back a furiously shaking Iruka while Kakashi stood staring at nothing.
"Ah...Hokage-sama I have an update on Naruto's condition. Please would you and Konaka-san follow me."
"Thank you...please have a nurse inform Iruka Umino of Naruto's condition as well to hopefully ease his worry for his adopted son's life. Also check the younger two genins for any signs of shock or injury and have Ibiki come for Kakashi. I NEED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED." Sarutobi said as he followed the medic to Naruto.
Upon entering Naruto's room they found the blonde sleeping peacefully. His body wrapped in bandages and tubes taped to certain places, chest falling and rising at a steady pace. A few small pained whimpers escaped his lips but he slept.
"How long must he stay?" Sarutobi asked.
"We've done all we can to ease his pain and heal his skin. The rest is up to the nine-tails powers of healing. He'll be kept under supervision here for at least a week, maybe more if he needs it. I know Iruka-sensei will wish to stay with Naruto so we have made accomodations for him and arranged visiting times for his teammates. I will send Konaka-san with daily updates on Naruto to you. Now if you'll excuse me I have other patients to attend." The doctor said excusing themselves.
"Konaka-san, I trust you to keep eyes on Naruto while he is here. I will have Anbu guards stationed around his room for safety reasons. I must go, I'm sure Ibiki has Kakashi and I must find out what happened to Naruto."
"Of course Hokage-sama, I do hope he heals soon. I know how much he hates hospitals" Konaka-san replied with a small smile.
The Hokage left after making sure Iruka had been calmed and the two genins has been checked as well.
With Ibiki
"Hatake! What the hell happened that cause one of your students to end up in the hospital?" Ibiki roared as he paced the small interrogation room
"Simply put, it was a training accident."
"By whose hands, was it an accident?"
"It was...In all honesty I blame myself for what happened. I sent all three students off with clones so I could test their abilities. I had a chat with each over how they viewed their teammates and then we started spars amongst each other. I put Naruto against Sasuke, rules were only taijutsu and ninja tools. Things escalated and before I could stop them Sasuke used ninjutsu, a clan jutsu against Naruto. The flames raced towards him and I wasn't fast enough to stop him. I used a water style technique to put out the flames but the worst had been done to Naruto." Kakashi replied his eyes never once meeting Ibiki's.
"That damn Uchiha brat did's Naruto doing?" Ibiki asked his voice softening.
Kakashi looked up in surprise at the tone he spoke.
"Ah...well he's been healed and his pain is being handled. They said he'll be there for a week at most. Sasuke's a bit traumatized and Sakura won't stop crying. Why do you ask?"
"I like the kid, was when he was younger a lot younger actually...
"Jiji who's that man?" A four year old Naruto asked.
He had just been attacked by the villagers and the Hokage wished to capture those that had hurt his adopted grandson. He had called in Ibiki to try to get Naruto to open up and to punish those at fault.
"Ah...this is Ibiki Moreno, he's gonna ask you some questions about the people that hurt you. Then he's gonna put them away." The Hokage said as the four year old clinged to his leg.
"Hello brat, let's get this over with." Ibiki said with a slight snarl.
He watched the blonde flinch at the sound but follow him. His eyes landed on the men across the room, they had put up a barrier so the men couldn't see the blonde. The blonde immediately froze when he saw them, tears frozen in his eyes. Ibiki saw this and felt sad for the kid, no one that young should ever feel that way.
"Naruto...they can't see you and won't hurt you." He watched as the blonde slowly moved towards him to hide from the faces that has caused him pain.
They spent an hour talking about what happened and Ibiki couldn't believe what the kid had been through. The fact that the kid seemed to talk as if it was normal was scary.
"Thank you...Ibiki-nii." the blonde said with a smile before leaving the room.
That smile reminded Ibiki of his younger brother, and he swore to protect Naruto and hand anyone that ever dare harm the blonde.
End Flashback
"I see...well you can't really punish Sasuke can you." Kakashi drawled out.
"NO BUT I CAN PUNISH YOU FOR WHAT HAPPENED BUT...I can't, he's told me about you. He was happy back then, and then everything changed when he joined the academy. Fix it or I'll end you." Ibiki threatened walking out and slamming the door.
Kakashi flinched as he remembered the sight of Naruto every time he was too late to protect him.
He was always too late.

Well there it is Chapter 11, hope you enjoyed. I'm finally settled into my first apartment and college classes start next week. Geez why is college so expensive... Anyways hope you enjoyed and feel free to talk to me if you're barely starting college or a new grade, a new school. If you need help or advice don't be afraid to message me. Love y'all and untill next time bye 🙋🙋🙋

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