His Search - Part 3

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Quick recap! Sebastian left Ciel, standing in the hallway, filled with worry and curiosity. After countless dreams and half cooked meals, Ciel started to miss his dark demon lover. He begun a search for Sebastian, bringing along Grell(with an addition of William. -____-). Eventually, he reaches the Trancy manor, Ciel goes in alone ( because Grell and William are pussy boys XD), he is greeted by a stranger.

"Hey now, don't be a stranger come in, take a seat."

The stranger said closing the door.

"So, we meet."

The young boy says to the shadowing figure.

"Hey hey, why does everyone sound so depressed to see me. I am THE Lucifer, Satan, God of the underworld, even my own children didn't want to see me."

"Why are you here Lucifer?"

"Please, call me Satan."

"Really. Why are you here Satan?"

The boy said with the most unamused voice possible.

"I'm here... For you."

The smurkish grin on Lucifer's face grew wider. The boy had a look of shock and confusion on his face. Lucifer began to walk closer to Ciel, paralyzed by the look in his eyes, Ciel did nothing but stood there.

"Now now what's with THAT look?"

Lucifer leaned over and gently lick Ciel's face.

"Oh yes, your soul is going to taste divine."


A familiar voice was heard in the background. It was enough to break Ceil out of Lucifer's trance. He turned around and sprinted towards the voice, knowing it was his lover Sebastian.

"Sebastian?! Sebastian is that really you?! Sebastian!"

"Master, we can talk about this later right now we have bigger problems."

Ciel turn around to see Lucifer in raged with fury.

"I swear Sebastian when we get back to hell-"

"When you get back. I don't care if you're my father, you will not disrespect or befoul the ones I love."


Ciel whispered to himself. Sebastian looked at Ciel with a genuine smile and winked. He then began to attack Lucifer as he charged towards them.

**time skip**

Sebastian and Ciel struggle to catch their breath as they exit the Trancy manor.

"Claude are you sure you want to stay here?"

"It's my home I have no choice. I may not have Alois anymore, but I still have always cherished this place."

"Well, thanks for helping me send Dad back. See you at the next family reunion."

"Alright, bring those curry buns."

The four of them (William, Grell, Sebastian, and Ciel) go home. Sebastian thanks William and Grell for their worry and help and send them on there way after dinner.

Hello again! He found him! YAY!

It's been so long. I hate moving but at the same time I love it. Lol, I'll update when I can.

Bye loves

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