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Harleigh's POV*

Right now I was a little angry at my best friend Joseph who wasn't getting the app trivia crack.
I love playing that game and I want to beat him at it.

-- Joseph! --

I texted.

Then after arguing and him thinking trivia crack was a drug of some sort, I gave up.
You can't argue with someone who has a British accent when you don't. It never works. They always sound smarter than you, they always look smarter than you, and they always make you feel dumb in some way.

The next day I woke up feeling refreshed, which by the way never happens. I go to bed at two in the morning and wake up at seven in the morning, every day like clock-work.

I ate breakfast and quickly changed into a white crop top, tight grey sweatpant joggers, and white pumps. Want to know why?
I film every single day.
I'm not about to wear a fucking dress and make myself look like a queen when all I can do in the morning is eat like a fiend.
Not about that life.
But I do wear heels, simply because I'm used to it.

I walked on set to be greeted by a ginormous hug by my girl bff, Nina Dobrev.
"Nina! I can't breathe!" I coughed, patting her back.
"Sorry. I missed you!" She shouted.
"I missed you too boo boo." I giggled, running to get my hair and makeup done.

"Hey Jomo!" I smiled, seeing the blue eyed Englishman.
"Hello Harleigh, is your day going well?" He asked sweetly.
"I wish! Mornings suck." I felt bad saying that because our stylists and writers wake up so early to prep for us.
"Sorry about that love. My mornings is going well so far, I read half a book, bought some more books..."
I butted in.
"Okay, I'd love to hear about your wet dream about books, Joe, but I feel like now's not the time." I joked.
He just rolled his eyes.
He loves books so much, it's abnormal.

Playing on my phone is a great pastime.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, oggling at every handsome guy that I saw.
"Quit looking at Hayes Grier and Shawn Mendes like that. You look like a pedophile." Joseph groaned.
"I never said I would date them...and btw grandpa, and btw means by the way, anywho, Shawn Mendes is eighteen. So, you can't blame me for looking at them. It's not my fault they both just so happened to post shirtless selfies." I shrugged.
He smiled and I winked.
I think today will be a good day.

////in the scene: filming\\\\

"Klaus, they don't understand you like I do. You need to let it go, Damon was a thing of the past. You are my present. You are the one I look to when I'm afraid or sad. You, Nik. No one else could amount to what you are in my eyes." I whispered, tearing up.
"The words you speak bring me back to the times of playing in the fields with my brothers, centuries ago. When life was meaningful. You've brought that liveliness back into my life Serena. I could never thank you enough for that." Klaus gently caressed my cheek, and brought my lips to his.
We shared a passionate and sweet kiss.
"Now where's the big bad hybrid everyone is talking about?" I giggled lightly hitting his arm.
"When you're at his side it's dormant." He smirked.
We then spent our night talking and kissing. A sweet way to end the night if I do say so myself.

////////end of scene\\\\\\\

"I always want to cry after we film those scenes." I sighed, talking to my friends.
"Why?" They all questioned.
"Because I don't have anything like that in my life." I sadly smiled, but remembering their is people around so I instantly smiled.
"That's okay though, everyone has a person! I just haven't found myself one yet!" I cheered. I'm the positive one out of my friends, I raise their spirits and listen to their problems before my own. It's in my nature.


Hey guys! This isn't based off of my other story Rescue Me, it's a story of it's own. I'm just using Ariana again because she is flawless. Anyways, the picture of the convo above is actually a conversation with my my dad is kind of a sarcastic and witty ass but I love him! Hope you're enjoying!

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