Family Probs>>5

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Harleigh's POV*

"Mom?" I called walking into my family's home.
"We're in here honey!" My mom replied from the kitchen.
Their was a divorce lawyer sitting across from my parents.
Great, what the hell did I just walk into?

"Would you care to join us, Miss Ramirez?" The lawyer asked.
"I would love to, but you see, I have this thing, a prior commitment--" My mom cut me off.
"No you don't. You told me yesterday that your schedule was clear today, don't lie to your mother." She sarcastically glared.
I couldn't even look at my father. His infidelity has me in an infinite pool of anger.
Turns out it's been going on for nearly five years and the girl is the person across the street who had a secret child with my dad three years ago.
How could we not have known?
This sounds like a lifetime movie that comes on at like three a.m because it's too crazy for normal people to watch during the day.
You know what they say?
The freaks come out at night.

"So we've come to an agreement?" The lawyer asked impatiently.
"Yes we have." My father's stone cold voice echoed through the room.
It made me cringe so hard I felt like my face would stay that way.
"Look, mom, if you really need me here right now I'll stay. But from the looks of it, I'm sure everything is fine." I nervously smiled.
"Stay! I want you to read those poems you've been writing! Let your father hear them too. Lord knows he needs a little kick in the rear." She smirked. My father just continued to stare at the floor, as per usual.
I went to the front of the room, as we always do, and proudly declared my poems.
"Poem one. The darkness paves a way for my feet,
The emotions crowd and I'm left in defeat.
My lips are blue and my hands are cold,
The story of a young one, still untold.
I see through the glass, they're all still fine.
I guess that's why they call dying, the end of time. Poem 2. I can no longer tell what's day and night.
I'm stuck in between the need to lose or to fight.
I've begged them to pierce the sword through my chest,
So I can fall into the stars just like the rest. Poem 3.
With tear stained cheeks I laugh to hide,
Everything that I'm feeling inside.
How could you not see how much I'm broken?
I've tried to tell you, but I'm not outspoken.
This is the last thing I'll try to say,
Before the king swoops in and takes me away. Poem 4.
He smiles, but he is bound to the distress of the poison injected.
He laughs, but the meaning behind his words doesn't reflect the truth.
He stares, he watches as the rain crystallizes and the snow appears.
He steps into the freezing land, it consumes him.
He doesn't feel pain.
He enters a world where it doesn't matter.
He tastes the broken bread of the men who shared a feast.
He isn't sad.
The happiness is overwhelming, he wants to leave.
He is so used to the thought of being alone and worthless that he sold his soul to the devil and which he waits.
The fire pit scorches his arms and he cries through the pain that he'll no longer escape.
Don't think mind over matter or happiness over sadness, think feeling over status.
It's not hard to do if you overcome the wrongness, you are righteous.
He's the king of all.
He bled for our sins and the villagers fall.
They believed in the God above.
The boy he accepted the will that was wrong.
He left the demons, the devil, them all.
He feels pain and hurt but atleast he isn't dead.
The life that still lingers, atleast it's in his head.
He doesn't forget but he lives on forever.
This boy has changed for the good, atleast he isn't under the weather.
Uh, that's it." I looked down nervously.
"Beautiful sweetie!" My mom cheered and she hopped up to give me a hug.
My father just sat there, a true lump on a log. His eyes were tears though. But it doesn't matter.

I exited the house with a weird feeling inside my chest.
Everything will be okay, I just have to make it okay with myself.


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