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Harleigh's POV*

"JoMo! Have you seen my white two piece dress that's thing almost iridescent but it's really not, it has that cut out and it's really tight at the top, a little too short?" I asked in panic.

Joseph and I were going to a cast party tonight and I was told that the theme was black and white, what better to jazz up the party with two piece goodness?

"It's on the back of the door, upstairs in the spare bedroom!" He hollered from downstairs in the nook he used for reading, because he's always there.

"Why is it in there? I thought I put it on the bed?" I asked.

"Well you didn't want it getting ripped apart when we were-" I cut him off before he said anything further.

"Joseph Morgan if you finish that sentence I will come down there and handle you myself! We are not on the set of our show so you can't pretend to be Klaus!" I shouted, even though I sounded irritated, I was actually giggling while grabbing my dress and putting it on.

"Oh you'd enjoy that wouldn't you? Handling me yourself?" He chuckled.

I bursted out in laughter, and put on some black velvet pumps. I put my hair in a half up half down ponytail and decided I was ready.

"So do dresses like these fancy ones, hold together? Even if there being pulled apart?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh Josephine, if you dare pull this apart like the last two, I swear to god I will shred every page of every book you've ever read." I winker and waltzed in front of him and right out the door.

"I'm pretty sure your pretty little hands couldn't do that. I've read too many." He grasped onto my hand and we walked down to the little set they had decorated like the Mikaelson Mansion.

"Do you think everyone is okay with the show? Like our fans. I know there are two different sets between The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, but do you think they get where the plot is going?" I asked softly.

"I sure hope so, love. If they don't understand the break off quite yet, they haven't been paying attention or it isn't quite as clear. But I'm pretty sure with everything going on, everyone will love you over on The Originals." He smirked.

"It's a big career move, Joe. I'll be going from one side to the other back and forth. I'm afraid the fans will begin to hate my character. And then with my music..I just don't want them to begin to hate me as well." I muttered, looking down and shuffling my feet.

"Woah woah woah, no one said anything about them hating you as a person Harleigh. You're so amazing. You're endearing. You've got so much inside of you, such a creative light that people will be waiting to see what you can do. People have been waiting to see you sprout into a flower since you walked on set the very first day. Now that you're becoming who you truly are, aren't you excited to see what's in store for you. Who all really loves you, and how many fans love you so much. Isn't that your favorite quote? 'Become who you are.'? Well it means something. More than means everything. I know you've got it in you, Harls. You've just got to take a jump forward." He encouraged with a smiles and a soft kiss pressed onto my lips.

They had just announced that we would be starting a show called The Originals, solely around The Original Family. I would bounce back in forth between both shows, and my music career. It would be a lot but I would do it. I wanted this. I could get away from my home life that always seemed drag me down. On breaks from filming, Joseph could come with me on some music things. It could be like how I dreamed when I was a little girl. My dreams have been coming true ever since I became apart of this cast, ever since I met Joseph, and now that we're together, he's made me so happy, and me being who I've always wanted to be has made me someone I always wanted to be. When my parents used to fight as a kid, I used to think of what life could be like if I had eternal happiness, and now I'm getting it.

"Thank you, Joseph. For everything." I smiled up at him, we finished walking into the party.

He was wearing a black tux and he looked so happy, walking next to me, walking into the party of all of our friends and what we've grown to call our family.

"This is going to be one hell of a night guys, but first, let's start it with a song of our very own, Harleigh Ramirez. Let's play Moonlight!" Julie shouted at the top of the staircase.

I couldn't believe it! We premiered my full on Dangerous Woman album last night and they do this, I love my cast-family so much. We get to slow dance to Moonlight, a personal song I wrote for Joseph and I, this will be the first time he's heard it. The most romantic setting.

"Who might this song be about, Love?" He asked cheekily.

"It's about you. I love you. Only you. I can really only see myself loving you. You're the first guy I have ever been in love with, and this song is for you. I have written many more, believe me, but this one, this dance, this night, it all just means so much to me. You've really changed me in such a good way, Joseph." I expressed, full of love and meaning every word I told him.

"I love you too, Harleigh. I know I always will. You've made me a better man. This night is wonderful. This song is beautiful, and no woman had ever made me feel the way you've made me feel. Thank you." He looked down at me with so much love and joy.

We continued to dance the night away, like everything in the world was okay. The night was young, it was perfect, and the love was just blooming.


Hey guys! So sorry it took so long for me to update but I've been kind of in and out with my health, I've had surgery and had a miniature surgery, loads of physical therapy, and in and out of hospitals because of health reasons, but I'm getting better. A few let downs won't stop me, I'm coming back, I hope you enjoyed his chapter, it's really cute and sentimental and lovey dovey. Tell me what your favorite part was in the comments so I can give some more parts like it. Stay lovely my lovelies!!

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