Chapter 13

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When I woke up the next morning , I had honestly no idea where I was . I rolled over to my side , and looked at my surroundings .

I recognized the room after a second , it was my room .

I sat up , and stretched . Alex had put an alarm clock on my desk , which was handy , so I reached over and checked the time .

11:06 .

Ah , perfect timing .

I could hear people rumbling around downstairs , and if I listened hard I could hear some voices .

Just two voices , I decided .

Alex and Rian . Pommie could be there too , just being her usual quiet self .

I got out of bed and decided to take a shower in my new bathroom . I loved every second of it , it was so clean and new and fresh …

I came out and dried my hair quickly , while getting dressed in a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt , that was faded , but clean .

“This definitely wasn't here before” I thought aloud , while pulling out an All Time Low t-shirt . I shook my head , smiling , and shoved it back into my bag .

“I'll start unpacking later” I promised myself , then went downstairs .

As I had suspected , Alex and Rian were both up .

Rian sat at the kitchen table , sipping coffee to wake himself properly . Alex stood at the oven , frying something in a pan that I couldn't see .

“Morning” Rian said , nodding to me . Alex , turned around , and grinned .

“Hey , Halo” He said , “Bacon ?”

“Sure” I said , sitting down beside Rian . “How long have you two been up ?”

“Couple of hours , for me anyway” Alex said , handing me a plate filled with fried breakfast food , “Rian's only been up far about twenty minutes .”

“Any sign of Pommie ?” I asked . They both shook their heads .

“I'll go check on her” Rian said , before getting up and leaving the room .

“So “ Alex said , as I finished my breakfast . “What's today's plan ?”

“I have no idea” I said , “Didn't anyone give you an agenda ?”

He shook his head . “Personally , though , I did have one idea .”

“Tell me “ I commanded , getting up to wash my plate in the sink .

“I'll do that” Alex said quickly , grabbing the plate out of my hands , “Well , I was thinking ...going shopping !”

I groaned . “You're kidding , right ?”

“What's wrong with shopping !?”

“Oh , do you mean apart from everything ?”

“Don't be so dramatic” Alex laughed , “And we're going shopping .”

“Fine” I grumbled , “But who's we , exactly ?”

“Good question . Well , Pommie and Rian will be down soon , so we can ask them . Knowing Jack , he'll probably be around in five minutes , carting Sam with him . That just leaves Zack and Charles , so I'll call them now to see if they're coming .”

Alex pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket , dialed quickly and pressed his phone against his ear .

“Hey , man . Yeah . Yeah , it's going great . And you ? Cool . Anyway , yeah , I was wondering if you're coming down later . Yeah . Well , you know Jack . Not sure , really no one said anything to me anyway . Alright . Okay . See you then !”

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