Chapter 29

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“You never told me Alex was in hospital” I shivered , and Rian rolled his eyes .

“Oh , relax , Hazel” He said , pulling the car into the parking lot . “You'll see for yourself , he's fine .”

Rian ignored the receptionist and walked straight to the elevators . “He's on the fifth floor ,” Rian told me .

Obligingly , I pressed the button then watched as the glowing digits flicked slowly from G to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 … and to 5 .

The elevator dinged as the doors opened slowly , leading onto the kind of pristine hallway that you only ever get in hospitals . Doctors hovered around with their clipboards , nurses with medication and visitors with gifts . I plunged my hands into my pockets and looked at the floor guiltily . It was my fault that Alex was in here .

The rockstar had a private room all to himself , down at the very end of the corridor . Jack , Sam and Pommie sat on the plastic chairs outside his room , and they looked up when they saw us coming .

“Found her” Rian said , taking a seat next to Sam .

“The hill ?” Jack guessed , and Rian nodded .

“It's official , I'm a genius” Jack crowed .

“I wouldn't go that far” Sam laughed , hitting her adoptive father lightly . Immediately , Jack counter-attacked with a headlock .

“Is Alex okay ?” I whispered to Pommie , and she smiled at me and nodded .

“Don't worry” She told me , “He's fine .”

Once Alex's parents came out , I was told to go in . Peter and Isobel kept me outside for a few mintues beforehand , though .

“Oh , sweetie” Isobel said , “How are you holding up ? We heard about … everything – and we're coming to the trial on Saturday , of course .”

“Thanks” I said awkwardly , as she pulled me into a hug .

“We're behind you all the way , Hazel” Peter told me sincerely , “Supporting you one hundred per cent .”

I looked up at Peter , and for the first time realised that – in a way – they were my grandparents .

“Thank you so much” I replied honestly , “That means a lot , really . More than I can explain .”

Alex's room looked almost as personal as his bedroom at home did . Some band members must have tweeted about his fall , as GET BETTER SOON cards were overflowing off the windowsill . Either Rian or Isobel must have brought some of his clothes , and one of his acoustic guitars .

“Halo !” Alex said when he saw me . His face split into a relieved smile , and he let out a sigh . “Thank God you're okay . You scared the balls off of me .”

“You're not mad at me ?” I asked in surprise . His thick eyebrows flew off his face .

“Mad at you ? For what ?”

“Well” I paused , frowning . “First of all , in case you hadn't noticed I'm kind of the reason you're in here .”

Alex laughed . “You mean – in this hospital ? You're not worried about that , are you ? I'm fine , Halo . Just a few scrapes and bruises .” He stopped suddenly , and bit his lip .

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