//Outsiders// Part 1

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You can't sneak out on a Wolf any more than you can sneak up on one. But to try was my only choice.

Ethan lay flat on his stomach. His face was turned to the wall, but I heard his slow, even breaths, saw the gentle rise and fall of his sculpted back. Is he really sleeping? I hesitated - the white silk sheets were pulled too low, my kryptonite. My gaze traveled down his dimpled v-cuts-the beginning dips of Ethan's incredible ass, and I fought the urge to reach out and grab him.

<<Stop it. You got what you came for. Go home.>>

I frowned, gazing at the bedroom mirror across the wall. My Wolf's eyes reflected back at me, an angry shade of gold. I shook my head, twisting her good advice until it looked more like jealousy. Are you upset because you didn't get a turn? Well, it wasn't my idea to keep you from Ethan's Wolf--it was yours. We just let them think that, remember? I understand my decision was painful for you, but I don't want a mate, and certainly not Ethan. You know he's not good for us--

<<Perhaps because you've never believed in him, selfish girl.>> My Wolf was a snob, too regal to stick around and argue with her lesser half. She retreated; my eyes returned to their normal shade of green and I returned to the task of sneaking out on Ethan.

Tongue between my teeth, I pushed the covers back with ninja-concentration, sliding my way across Ethan's bed. It was king-size, but it may as well have been a mile. I didn't make it halfway before Ethan's arm hooked my waist, dragging me back to him. He was insanely warm, like a generator, any hotter and he'd singe his silk sheets.

I exhaled. "It's almost daylight. I can't stay."

He turned his face towards mine. "Yes, you can." His sight was its own vision, the cimmerian lighting changing his honey-colored eyes to dark chocolate. "Think of it this way--the sooner we go out there, the sooner we have to deal with the virus. Or..."

"Or?" My fingers tap-danced along the sheets, closer and closer to him.

"You can stop fighting me for once, and sleep."

I chewed my bottom lip, knowing this was a trap... and jumping right in. I laid my head on the pillow, nose-to-nose with the Alpha. Eyes closed, he smiled, sensing his victory. 

"Will you get in trouble? For skipping the circle? You're the Alpha. You have to be there."

He smirked. "It's not exactly the first rule I've broken. Besides, if Charles knows I'm with you, he'll cut me some slack." His lower lip disappeared between his teeth. "Are you okay? Did you heal?"

I ignored his question and changed the subject. Concern was the gateway to feelings. "Why did my grandfather make a deal with the Witches?"

Ethan gave a lazy, one armed-shrug. "I don't know. He doesn't tell me everything, I wasn't even there when he did it. All I know is the Witches are in and the Vampires are out. Now you tell me something..." His eyes were half-narrow, tired, but alert. "You didn't go rabid after you were bit at the Fairway. Is it for the same reason you burned me on the mountain?"

I didn't trust him at all; my lips moved regardless. "Could be. Maybe if my parents were around I could ask them what it means, but..." I shrugged. My father was dead, my mother was a dead-beat rogue. There wasn't much difference between the two.

"Then why not just ask Charles?"

"Because he's the devil and I'm the bad seed--we hate each other. He's nothing like my dad, and apparently I'm everything like my mother." I exhaled. "I'm not sure if I want Charles knowing I have these questions. I'm not sure I want anyone knowing." My Wolf backed me, flashing a hint of yellow to ensure Ethan got our message.

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