//Finale// Part 2

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Dracula crashed through the study doors, tumbling head over heels across the marble flooring. My mother strode after him, an angry goddess with golden eyes. Even with her mouthful of needles and her nails shifted into claws, I was looking in a mirror - dark, slanted eyes, wild curls past her shoulders tamed into silky waves, skin like cocoa. Exhaling, I followed her from the study.

"Jackson asked you to watch over our daughter, not seduce her!"

Dracula flitted to his feet, bleeding from the nose as he brushed the wood and dust from his shoulders. "I've always protected Naomi; I always will. And for the record, she seduced me."

Paris' Wolf growled at the jibe; her hand rose, prepared to slash him on the spot -

"Mom!" I shimmered between them; the gold in her eyes receded at once, white teeth and sharp claws retracting.

"You-you have your powers..." Shades darker, her wide green eyes searched my own, stunned by the unfamiliarity. "But, how--"

"Long story." I folded my arms over my chest, glancing down the hallway - which led directly to the painting in the foyer. "I knew you were in town. I just never expected you to show up. You so rarely do."

"Okay. I deserved that, and you deserve an explanation." Paris cocked her head to the side, glaring at Dracula. "I'd like to speak to my daughter. Alone."

Where to begin? The missed birthdays, the unreturned phone calls, the letters you never wrote? I gave Dracula an apologetic smile. "You asked for it. You two haven't met?"

"It's because I know who she is that I offered to eat her." He sucked through his teeth, vexed by the thwarted opportunity. "Take your time." Fingers at my elbow, he planted a lingering kiss. "I'll be waiting." Dracula shot Paris a last withering glance before flitting down the hallway.

I rounded on my mother, disappointed in her show of force. Paris had a thing for grand entrances. " It's been a while. Thing are different now, Paris; I'm sure you've heard the news: Charles isn't in charge anymore, which means Tidus is now a permanent guest of the manor--at my request. Please don't go kamikaze on the Prince of Vampires."

"He threatened me."

"He barely touched you--exaggeration is his thing. Tidus could have killed us both by now--but he hasn't."

"For crap's sake, kid." She glanced off to the side, rolling her eyes. "He's Revenant--"

"Tidus is family." I crossed my own arms, not sure whether to throw my arms around her or throw her out.

Paris scoffed, mouth open, tongue in cheek. Once again she shook her head. "Look, I didn't come back to the Village to pick a fight. I came back because word is spreading about the Hand; I heard your problems with the Witches. And then when I heard Charles died..." Our hands dropped, one after the other. "I just wanna help."

The Hand's reign would end, with or without Paris, but I had questions. "I don't need your help, I need answers. Who turned you?"

"Figured that part out have you? What does it matter?"

"The person who turned you changed your life--and mine."

"They don't matter--I've accepted my fate."

"Then why did you leave Harbor? Why did you leave..." Me. I was pathetic. "Y'know what, you're right." I cleared my throat. "It doesn't matter anyway--I loved being a Wolf."

"You mean you loved being a slave. Sweetheart, didn't Charles and Diane ever tell you the legend?"

"Legend. What legend?"

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