//Poison// Part 4

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Chandler's power invaded my senses like a drug, the brilliance of his day-glow magic as inebriating as the effects. Wherever he touched, an otherworldly warmth was effortlessly exerted, igniting my skin with the gentle flames of his conjury. His hands traveled leisurely down my arms, then up again, moving with tender care over the slopes of my breasts. A single, luminous finger trailed between my cleavage, winding in slow, heart-stopping circles as it reached my throat. It made a slow journey up my chin, forcing my face to the ceiling; I shuddered, eyelids fluttering in ecstasy when it smoothed across my mouth in silent expectation. Chandler inserted his finger between my lips, using it like a sucker. I was the prize on his hook, drunk on his orgasmic power... 

"What do you want with my magic, Naomi?" He leaned forward, bringing his lips to my ear. "I haven't heard from you in weeks--why the sudden interest?" His lips skimmed my cheek, raising shivers and goosebumps. "Be honest, are you working with the Witches?" He removed his finger, tracking its wetness over my lips so I'd remember the taste.

"I'm... not... lying." My words were sluggish, and difficult to find. I was so tangled in Chandler's tantalizing essence, that whatever senses weren't taken by pleasure were rendered apathetic. He had paralyzed me, dulling the blade of my conscience like the snake that suffocates its victim. "I asked about your magic because I-because I..." But my words were eliminated by an unintelligible groan, yet another symptom of his incredible, overpowering gift.

"I know, makes you feel drunk, right? Concentrate--you can do it." Easier said than done. Chandler's magic had me stupid-high.

"I want you to teach me h-how to control my magic. S-s-so I can s-s-stop the Witches... a-and find... Leda... Martin." 

"Good answer, but I'm no Witch, luv." His hands slowed their continuous perusal, yielding my power of speech. "What makes me... useful?"

"You know about them, you've spent time with them. And you're like The Flash--smart, a superhero in disguise. You can help me--we can help each other."

"You're right, I am smart.... but I'm no superhero." He took my upper arms, massaging while he squeezed. 

My neck rolled in blissful agitation, his wicked smile as seductive as his big bag of tricks. Everywhere inside me, an intensity grew with the pressure of a rumbling boiler, begging for his sweet release. Like a cobra in a vase, I was charmed by his touch, Chandler's magic as alluring as the notes of a pungi.

Blue fire erupted, washing his hands in brightness that later would linger in my soul like sunspots. He pushed on my chest. I stumbled backwards, thrilled by this sharp twist in his Jekyll-Hyde personality. Chandler delivered me smoothly on the pool table's hard surface, thusly disrupting the triangle-rack. I scrabbled across the balls I had inadvertently freed, Chandler following on his hands and knees, moving with the confidence of a shark on the hunt. His dark, predatory eyes became the tidal pools of destiny, promising a most delicious drowning. 

He touched his finger to my cheek, his magic a blue so deep the sky and the ocean had cause for envy. "So, have I satisfied your... curiosity?"


"Good. I haven't even shown you the best part." We were chin-to-chin. His lips opened and without warning, he inhaled--

Heat. All this heat crackling inside me-and Chandler summoned it forth. My lips parted of their own accord, and out from between them wafted a river of blue energy, flowing from my mouth to his. He dragged on my essence like he would a cigarette, his breath rattling like a monster's in the dark, yet Chandler was out in the open. His head lifted, eyes twin magnets as he pulled back like a fisherman drawing his line. He hit his apex and released me, eyes closed to the heavens as he hissed between his teeth.

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