//Goddess// Part 2

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I fell asleep hoping the next time I opened my eyes it would be to a Mai Tai on a beach down south, or at the very least Hadrian with the cure. Instead, I awoke in Ethan's arms, floating peacefully in still blue waters....

I didn't bother to struggle. I was minutes from death. I felt it, as solid and encompassing as the pool. We were in the HVU natatorium, in the deep end, near the dive-board. I floated on my back in the lukewarm waves, arms spread like a fallen archangel, shivering uncontrollably as I waited for the end.

I was not alone.

"I know you'll be upset--and that's okay. But this was the only way, Mimi, and I'm not sorry. Not one bit. Because one day, your life will be perfect, Naomi Elizabeth." Ethan floated in place, treading water with one hand as he cradled me in the other. "You'll have everything you want, everything you need. And this misery, this suffering, it will all be a distant, transient memory you're too happy to even remember. But more importantly, you'll be alive. That's what matters to me. You're all that matters. I don't need the pack, you're my world, Naomi."

I didn't move, I didn't  flinch. A single tear rolled down my cheek, more salt than water. "Go fuck yourself."

Ethan sighed, and pulled me closer.

"Not to cut short the love note, folks, but I need to be on the road, asap." Claudia. What the hell was she doing here? Her voice was firm, loud enough to ring out across the natatorium. "Clock's ticking for you too, people. If we're gonna do this it has to be now."

"Okay." Ethan nodded at Claudia, his warm brown eyes trained on me. He took a loud, shaky breath–and let it go. "I'm ready."

"Then you know what to do, champ. When you see the signal, go for it. And Ethan... I'm sorry. I mean that."

Ethan nodded in grim acceptance. Then, he placed his palms on my shoulders, his amber eyes stolen by flecks of gold. "I love you, Naomi." He smiled once more, and something about the sadness of it caused me trace it with my fingertips, like a dummy.

I at least had the good sense to inhale before he pushed me beneath the water.

*       *       *

We floated face-to-face, at the bottom of the pool, where the hazy blue-waters were the darkest. Up above, the water was less murky towards the surface, where the rippling light was clear and argent. Ethan craned his neck, sending his gaze upwards, waiting for Claudia's signal.

No, not a signal, a spell... He did it. Ethan's going to save me...

It was happening.

The water turned magenta-pink, the color of a new dawn. If I hadn't been so concerned with losing my air to it, I would have had time to admire the beauty. Something pushed at the water, whizzing past and around us, just out of sight. I turned, catching sight of the tail-end of a golden spark, flying by like shooting a shooting star. More and more collected, round and round they went, until the water became a storm, churning with it's force. We were tossed to and fro, in danger of being swept apart. Ethan grabbed my hands before that could happen, and as we drifted together I found the source of the sparks. He was outlined in their glow, golden streaks hurtling from the Alpha in every direction.

The beauty, the power. Ethan was incredible. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, he pressed his lips to mine. Ethan's light surrounded us, flaring so bright we were swallowed by it. When the world reappeared, we were in the ballroom at the Fairway. I was in my cotillion dress, Ethan handsome as ever in his all-white tux. The world was blurry, the lights too bright, but the Alpha was perfectly in focus.

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