//Outsiders// Part 2

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The next morning, I stood on the manor's back deck, drinking coffee as I watched the sunrise-a grey horizon shot with streaks of yellow and pink. The air was cool and fresh, as from the evergreen trees, red and orange leaves drifted to the manicured lawn. Ahead, the Gentle Forest loomed, a painting-like canvas of sloping woodland that had been in my family since the Nobles founded Harbor Village.

Now, it was our prison.

I raised my mug, sipping the piping hot liquid with care, eyes trained on the Wolves creeping through the tree line. Even from this distance, I spied the bloodstains in their fur-a never-ending reminder of what we lost in what we gained.

All night, the Wolves had howled for redemption.

"We're gonna be late. Should we even bother with classes?" To my right, Adelle pressed her own mug to her lips, eyes trained on the forest. "I feel like a jerk, concentrating on normal things. Shouldn't we be out there instead, trying to find a way to help them..."

This was why were best friends-because we were kindred spirits first. "We can't skip school, Addy, we have tests." I gave her a firm but gentle smile. She needed normal things in her life. We both did. "Besides, what our people need is magic, which we don't have. So, we just have to go on, like everything's normal. I think that's all we can really do."

"Yeah. I guess you're right..."

I had no idea what I would do with a business degree, but a few classes at Harbor Village Uni kept me from devolving into a complete bum. Today, they would keep me from self-destructing.

Adelle sighed. "So, do you think the cotillion is on, or off? The only reason Adrian was interested was because of how much his dad was looking forward to it--now Patrick might not even be around to see him in the ceremony. Adrian's not even excited anymore. Do you know how much I paid for the tulle in my dress?"

"Well, if Adrian's not looking forward to it, then we'll just have to get him excited." I leaned against the stone railing, smiling at my friend. "And I'll volunteer. I'll--" Bite the bullet. "Dance at the ceremony too." The annual cotillion was Garou tradition. It officially inducted the next generation of young Wolves into the pack. If putting on a fluffy white dress, and prancing to a silly coordinated dance, was what it would take to put a smile on Adelle's face, I'd go the extra mile. Always.

"You will? Seriously?" Adelle squealed, clapping as she bounced up and down. "Thankyou-thankyou-thankyou!" She threw her arms around my neck, propelling us forward until we nearly fell from the deck.

Needless to say, we were late for school.

When classes ended, Adelle dropped me off at the manor, promising to text the details for our first dance lesson. Addy drove off, the manor's heavy black gates swinging shut behind me. I set off across the slippery wet lawn, still musing over the cotillion as I headed for the pickle chips and hot cocoa-pausing when the wind brought forth a strange scent...

I whirled. The stranger moved fast, already he was behind the gate. Not tall, not short, respectably average, he peered between the bars from brown eyes that were warm and alert. His slim build was clad in semi-professional wear-like that of an intern, or a fellow student. Whoever he was, I knew right away the heart of his attraction lay in his charm and smile. His mop of curly brown hair fell to just above his eyes, and when he brushed it back, he left behind a crooked grin that would've swayed me instantly had I been Human.

"Can I help you?" I took a tentative step forward. New faces in The Village were often dangerous.

"Maybe. I hope so." Both hands reached out, gripping the black iron bars. "We've met. Sort of. Although, your view of me was a bit different from my view of you. Mostly cuz I was on the ground at the time."

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