//Poison// Part 1

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I sat up with a start, grey silk sheets clutched between my fingers. I stared wildly about, shaking with adrenaline-spiked confusion. Across the spacious bedroom, flames danced in a magnificent antique fireplace, battling the cold that came with the mist-but still I shivered from the memory of my death. The afterimage of my blood was even sharper than Ethan's blade had been...


My gaze snapped to the right, heart racing where my legs could not. Tidus stared calmly back at me, at rest in his chair. There was a  floor-to-ceiling window behind him and another at the opposite end of the room-each covered in massive, black velvet drapes which were drawn tightly closed. Even so, I sensed sunlight in the edges of the room. Had he sat there all night?

What did it matter? He hadn't been there when I needed him. I turned my face stubbornly aside. Looking down, I took note of the silver slip I had donned for cotillion. The dress was gone, the slip smeared with dried maroon. I grimaced at the the rip-another ugly reminder of the price I paid for magic. Further investigation led to a matching tear around back, right through my kidney. Ethan's blade had entered and exited, just like a bullet. 

<<He succeeded. I can feel the power. It burns...>> Like a fever, slow and hot, roasting me from the inside. Magic ran through my veins like rivers of fire.

My lips were cracked, my tongue unbearably dry. "Water."

My pitiful croak sent Tidus into action. He jumped to his feet-a blur of color that streaked from the room, returning moments later with a tall glass of ice-water perfectly undisturbed.  I had never been so thirsty in all my life, grabbing the drink and downing the contents in one breath.

I gripped my head, eyes squeezed shut against the invading cold. Other than the brain freeze, there were no lingering injuries from my death. I was healed through and through. "I need to speak with Ethan." I cleared my throat, despite the water it still felt coated with dust. "Where is he?"

"Safe, worrying about you--though I daresay the Witch is more worried for herself. I'm sure the Alpha would appreciate the news that you're still alive, but with your permission I'll let him stew. He took what would have been a memorable night for you and ruined it. He also killed you, and when I pulled you from the madness, he and his Witch then killed six of my men in an effort to storm my castle. Needless to say, I reacted with anger."

"Ethan did what he did to help me--and I'm not sorry for that." I glared at Tidus, in no mood to placate him or his male tendencies. "I didn't tell you I was planning to reveal my magic because I knew you wouldn't like it. And if you're upset that I lied, get over it. You took my magic against my will, along with my memories--you and my family hid the truth from me for years." I swallowed, the lump in my throat felt like a brick. "You had it coming."

He didn't flinch. Tidus stared back at me with infuriating patience. "You're right, I had it coming. I've done all those things--and more. I'm sorry I hurt you, I know I didn't make it in time. I should've been there for you like you were there for me. I died alone too."

"I wasn't alone." I pushed back the sheets, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, stiff from death and exhaustion. When I tried to stand, Tidus zipped to my side, steadying me with a gentle hand. Already, my attempt to push him away had ended in vain.

"You don't know how much I regret what happened to you last night." He looked down at me, one hand on the small of my back, the other perfectly cool against my burning cheek. "I failed your father; he told me to protect you. Now, you have your magic--the one thing Catherine wants most." His sigh was full of regret. "The Witches will come for you, Naomi. I'm afraid the only way to redeem myself is by slaughtering them all. Some of my best work has been because of you."

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