//Glamour// Part 2

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Ethan and I left Claudia's trailer with the promise she would do further research on stripping the Glamour from my aura. Just before heading out, I ventured to mention Leda Martin. As much as I didn't like Claudia, I liked breaking promises even less. Claudia admitted she had no knowledge of what had become of the ex-coven leader, but one eyebrow raise from Ethan was all it took for her to reluctantly agree to ask around. 

With the threat of Vampires around every corner, Ethan thought it only appropriate to escort me back to the manor. He slept over, but this time he stayed in the guest room. I needed the remainder of the night to think as I tossed and turned. I couldn't do that with him between my thighs.

In the morning, Ethan was gone, but I knew I'd see him again at noon for dance practice. Surprisingly, I looked forward to him more than I looked forward to Addy. I had hardly thought about dancing with the Alpha at cotillion. Furthermore, I had also forgotten to tell my best friend.

Practice was held at Madilyn's, a dance school run by the most flexible Human I knew. Her son was some popstar named Tyler who was  currently doing it big in New York. Being that her son was famous, everyone knew if Madilyn disappeared people would notice; so the Garou took care very good care of her. She was responsible for teaching some of the most powerful young Wolves in the country how to perform the quadrille at the most important ceremony of their lives. And she had no idea.

I entered the studio, immediately scoping faces, separating Addy's scent from the others.

 A dozen dancers occupied the hardwood space, some new to cotillion, others not so much. Those who were nervous about their induction were sat front and center. Everyone else had done this before, we were only here for them. Thusly, we took refuge away from the foremost mirror, towards the outer ones.

I passed the pups, each face as fresh and innocent as the next. Until now they had been hidden from our lifestyle, their parents having sheltered them like Humans. But soon,they would know the world's cruelty. And the world would know them.

I was nearing the end of the huddle when a flash of gold caught my attention. I halted, catching sight of a blonde girl, slender as a reed. She sat apart from the group, the anger she projected forcibly keeping others away. And if they ignored that, they had her large amber eyes to contend with, which shined vehemently back at me. Amused enough to forget my own irritations, I decided to indulge her silent request.

Teach me a lesson.

I couldn't do it to the Vampires. I couldn't do it to Ethan. I couldn't do it to the sonofabitches who took my parents away.

But I could do it to this pretty, unsuspecting girl who resembled me in absolutely no way, but could've been me just the same.

"Well-well-well, Lady Gazelle..."

The girl's cheeks reddened as snickers erupted from her peers. Despite, her embarrassment, the gold in her eyes persisted. 

I clicked my tongue, like a rider his horse, and the boy scampered from my path. I took his place, matching the girl's glare with a wide-spreading smirk. "Hey, cutie. And what's your name?"

She took a moment to sneer, letting me know the spotlight didn't phase her. "Daya."

"Well, Daya, you wanna put those away before Madilyn comes in here and asks me why you're on the floor?"

A chorus of o-o-ohs rang across the studio. The girl trembled with rage- it took all her young might to stow away her anger. Beneath the gold, her eyes were honey-brown.

"Good." I took another step, one hand on my hip. "I know you two probably just got acquainted, but your Wolf needs more control--and you're the only person she can learn that from. If you don't teach her... one day it'll get you in trouble." And it would more than likely be the Hunter kind.

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