//Sacrifice// Part 1

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Not far from the highway was a small gas station, well-stocked with the needs of tourists who often ventured to Harbor Village just to disappear. Or get eaten. When Tidus and I walked in side-by-side, the long-haired Human sat behind the counter didn't bat a single lash at the incoming naked couple.

"Nope. Still not the craziest shit I've seen." Snorting, he went back to his magazine.

Eyes fastened on the shape of his intoxicating frame, I enjoyed every bit of the view as I followed Tidus to the clothing racks. His unblemished back was long and broad, tapering to a slim waist I knew in my soul was perfect for gripping. I bit my lower lip, imagining his tight, perfect ass beneath my fingers, the pressure of his hips on mine...

<<Stop salivating--he's a gentleman: definitely not filthy enough for you.>>

Overwhelmed with a mad case of the giggles, I lowered my head, attempting to stifle the noise as Tidus sorted clothes across the way.

"Now, we're getting somewhere." He grabbed the first pair of jeans he found, sliding them on with haste that was rather undignified for a guy like him. Mission complete, Tidus looked down--his jeans were too skinny; they ended at the ankles. 

Chuckling at the earnestness of his disappointment, I knelt at his feet, rolling his jeans a couple more inches. "You're lucky. This is actually a style, y'know." When I straightened, Tidus' gaze was fixedly turned to the side. "Are you okay? Correct me if I'm wrong but you seriously look like you're about to blush." My grin spread like wildfire.

He liked me. Or at the very least he liked my body. Either way, it was a step in the right direction-the bedroom.

Tidus cleared his throat. "Vampires can't blush. And you're naked."

"Yeah?" I settled one hand on my hip. "So are you, sailor."

Tidus closed his eyes for a considerable amount of time, drawing a slow inhale. "I'm wearing pants. And I don't like pet names."

"Alright, whatever you say, Ti..." I paused, giving myself an obvious once-over. If he couldn't push him into bed I'd at least push his buttons. "But, seeing as how I've never had any complaints, I'm not exactly one to be embarrassed about my body. Is that a problem for you?" Before Tidus could answer, a little bell jingled. A passing businessman interrupted our conversation, eyes glued to his thermos that was either too hot or too full. He was so preoccupied with uh-huhing in his Bluetooth that he walked right past the naked girl arguing with the half-naked guy. "Should I ask him?"

Tidus' response was to dress me with lightning speed. 

I looked down, blinking at my blue cotton shorts and Hello, Kitty tee. "Well, at least I'm not wearing underwear."

"Will you stop?" Returning my playful gaze with a disapproving glare, Tidus reached out, grabbing a grey shirt from the nearest rack. His pecs, abs, and v-cuts promptly disappeared, now disguised by the words 'I Luv New York'. "Naomi, please..."He reached out, plucking a twig from my hair with absent-minded attention. "If we're to spend this much time together, you're going to have to learn some boundaries. Vampires are sentient, we're triggered by our emotions. Tempting us is like tempting fate. It's dangerous. You shouldn't."

I scoffed. I'd never been more insulted. Usually this was the part where guys threw themselves on top of me--if they weren't already pinned to the mattress. They didn't lecture me about keeping my clothes on or making rash decisions.

This was new for me.

Tidus zipped away, returning seconds later with a pair of gas station keds. His were already on. "I realize I'm being uptight. I'm sorry, I can't help it." He knelt at my feet like Prince Charming, taking his time with Cinderella's slippers. By the time he straightened, I had already forgiven him.

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