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       I opened my eyes with a pounding headache and instantly squeezed them shut, too sensitive to the small amount of light coming through the curtains. I tried to sit up slowly in bed and instantly regretted it as everything seemed to ache all over. I am definitely sick, beyond some simple little cold. And I hate it. I groaned loudly as I broke into a cold sweat while barely being able to stand on my feet. I then walked over to my dresser and checked my phone, seeing that Jinyoung (A/N I finally realized that I actually DID give their manager a name in the beginning) had texted me a few times saying we have a meeting today. No way am I missing that, I've only had this job for a few days and I'm not getting fired.

       I slowly got dressed, throwing on leggings and a semi-nice shirt so I would at least look like I tried a little bit. I then slipped into my white vans and threw my hair in a ponytail, not even bothering to check myself in the mirror because I'm afraid if I see myself I'll make myself stay home. I then snuck out of my room and saw Mark sleeping on the couch still, thank the Lord because he would have a fit if I tried going out while sick.

       I slipped on about three jackets because I was starting to feel really cold and was shivering, and then slipped on a face mask because I'm not going to get anybody else sick.

Just then my phone rang as soon as I closed the apartment door and I fished it out of my pocket "Yoboseo?" I answered, realizing my voice is almost gone.

"Mi-Cha, are you almost here? The meeting will start soon. And are you okay?" I realized it was Jungkook who called me.

I cleared my throat hoping I could sound a little better, but it only hurt "Yeah, just a little cold. I'll be there soon." I tried walking a little faster, seeing little black dots swimming in my vision, but I blinked them away trying to get to the lobby so I could call a cab.

He sighed "Okay, just get here soon. Manager hyung seems to be a little stressed today."

"Okay, see you there." I said before I hung up. I finally made it through to the front doors and I leaned breathlessly against the wall while I waved a cab over.
       I got in and told the driver where to go and then rested my head on the back of the seat, rubbing my temples and put my sunglasses on to block the bright light. Everything was at a heightened level, the jangling of keys sounded like someone dumped a giant box of pennies on the floor, everything seemed blurry in my vision, the smell of food being sold on the streets made me want to hurl.

       The cab arrived at the building and I thanked and paid the guy before basically using all of my strength to get myself out of the cab. I steadied myself on the car door before closing it and shuffling towards the front door, pressing the handicap button to open the doors because I was too weak to open them by myself. I then made my way past the receptionist, too afraid if I bowed to her that I would collapse to the floor, so I rudely skipped formalities and kept walking down to the end of the hall still seeing the black dots in my vision whenever I walked.
I leaned against the wall next to the door to catch my breath before knocking on the door and entering, seeing the only the boys were there so far.

"Mi-Cha? You don't look well, are you okay?" Taehyung stood up from his chair instantly when he saw me, but I waved him off and made my way to an empty seat between him and Jungkook, basically melting into it when I sat down.

I slipped off my glasses and closed my eyes from the light in the room "I'm fine. Just a little sick." I croaked out.

Jungkook put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look at him "Mi-Cha, you're not okay. Why didn't you stay at your apartment?"

I sighed "Because no one can stop me, and I'm not losing this job so soon."

"I'm sure you could have called in sick, manager hyung would have understood." Yoongi furrowed his brows in concern.

"Guys, I'm really okay. I just wanted to come for this, then I will go home and rest, okay?" I looked at all of them, and then I straightened up instantly when Jinyoung opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late guys. I had to talk with someone." He said without looking up, setting some papers on the table.

       We went through BTS' schedule for the next month, and I perked up a little when he said they would be going to KCon, which is in California.

"You're from California, right Ms. Park?" The manager looked at me and his expression dropped a little, probably looking at my condition. I had been sitting up straight the whole meeting and was sweating a little, now I was super hot and underneath all my jackets it felt like a sauna trapping all of my sweat, but of course I kept getting cold every five minutes.

I nodded my head to his question, my vision suddenly becoming blurry and I got a little dizzy "Mi-Cha, are you okay?" Jungkook whispered to me.

I swallowed "Manager, could I go to the washroom quickly?" I asked. I needed to get out of this room, it felt stuffy in here and I felt like I was about to pass out. I just need fresh air.

"Uh, sure." He answered.
I stood up and wobbled on my feet while the room was silent, everyone looking at me. I then headed towards the door, but when I reached out to grab the handle, the floor got closer and closer to me before my vision went black.


"Mi-Cha? Wake up Mi-Cha!" Someone was yelling near me, and I contorted my face while trying to swallow, feeling my dry throat and pounding headache.

I opened my eyes and saw all of the boys and the manager around me "What happened?" I whispered, feeling a tear slip down my cheek from all of the glaring lights on the ceiling.

"Oh no, she's crying hyung, what do we do?" I saw Jimin shake Namjoon's arm.

"Mi-Cha, you passed out."Jungkook was kneeling next to me, and he wiped the tear away with his thumb while holding his other hand in the way of the light to block it.

I sighed shakily "Thank you. Mianhe everyone." I tried sitting up and everyone freaked.

"Woah woah woah." Namjoon held my shoulder down so I wouldn't get up.

"What do we do, hyung?" Jungkook placed his hand on my hot forehead while looking up at Namjoon, and bit his lip with worry after he felt my hot skin.

"She obviously can't go home like this. Maybe we should bring her to the dorm?" Yoongi suggested.

"Guys, I'm okay. Just call me a cab or something and I'll get a ride home." I tried saying, but my voice cracked a lot, and I still felt extremely light headed.

They completely disregarded my statement and continued their little meeting, finally deciding that I should just be brought to their dorm to rest instead. Jungkook carefully picked me up, and I couldn't put up much protest since I was basically a walking zombie. I gave up and let them bring me to their dorm.

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